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A/N: Sorry for the super super late update. I had a time period in which I was working at a restaurant and barely had time to even read. I just recently quit my job, (Bc of some stuff I don't feel like naming. I'm keeping that info private) so I'm back in time to update before No Way Home tonight. Hope this chapter makes up for lost time 😊


(The outfit above is the one you are wearing for this school day. If you don't like it, just imagine another one of your choice)
(y/e/c) = your eye colour

The next morning you woke as F.R.I.D.A.Y.'s voice boomed over your alarm. Goodmorning Y/N. It's time for you to wake up and get ready for school. You rubbed your eyes, trying your best to adjust to the blinding lights as they instantly turned on. It suddenly hit you that today was a new day of school, and lucky for you it was a Friday.

You practically jumped out of bed and rushed to get ready. It wasn't that you were excited for school, but you were excited to see your friends again. You especially couldn't wait to hear what everyone's opinion was on the new hero.

*time skip to the beginning of the school day*

You walk through the front doors of school and are immediately greeted with the most busiest sounding hallway you've ever seen in your life. Students were gathered in groups, some around other students with phone's, while others just huddled near lockers.

"Did you guys see the news last night?"

"Yeah. There's that new superhero. The lady with the mind powers or whatever."

"I wonder if she's an Avenger."

You smiled to yourself, brushing past them as you made your way to your locker. Peter was already at his locker, talking with Ned. "Sup nerds."

Peter and Ned turned to look at you, both not even looking offended by your comment. "Um hi, (Y/N)." Peter spoke nervously. You mentally laughed at the fact that he was acting so obvious about his "little secret" and you assumed that Ned was now aware that Peter Parker was Spider-Man. Ned glanced at Peter, and then back at you, trying hard to keep his mouth shut.

You decided to change the subject, "Have you guys heard about the new superhero? She's like really cool."

"Yeah, I seen it on the news last night when May and I went out for dinner."

"I saw the clips on YouTube. She looked so hot."

Peter and you both looked at Ned with a 'wtf' face. Ned gave you both an innocent look, "What? I mean it's true. Right Peter?" He nudged his best friend with his elbow.

The brown eyed boy's cheeks turned slightly pink as he struggled to think of a response. He opened his mouth to say something, but was cut short when the bell rang, signaling the beginning of a long and boring school day.

Students began making their way to their classes. You quickly grabbed your stuff out of your locker and turn to Peter, who was still in his flushed state. "We should go before we are late."

He nodded, shoving his stuff into his backpack and shutting his locker before turning to you.

You smirked and lightly nudged Peter's arm with your elbow. Peter looked at you, his chocolate eyes meeting your (y/e/c) eyes. Peter felt his heart beat increase a little, though he couldn't tell at the time why.

"So how do you feel about the new hero in town?" You asked, but Peter couldn't hear it.

He studied your face, from your delicately curved jawline to your forehead that was littered with strands of hair that had broke free from your loose bun. They outlined your beautiful and slightly heart-shaped face.

His eyes moved back to your lips as you spoke, "Peter? Hello? Earth to Mr. Parker!" You waved your hand in front of his face, trying to break his gaze. To you it looked like Peter was deep in thought, completely zoned out and in a whole other world.

Peter snapped out of his gaze and glanced back up to your eyes before averting his gaze down to the floor, "Yes?"

"I asked you how you felt about the new hero, but I can already see that you are too busy daydreaming about her." You laughed as his face turned dark red.

He nervously brushed back a few of his loose curls with his fingers, "Oh um, I think she's pretty cool." He shrugged.

You rolled your eyes. Just cool? "Just cool? She can literally move shit with her mind!"

Peter shrugged, "I mean that is awesome, but I bet she can't take on Spider-Man."

You stopped dead in your tracks, your Stark blood slightly boiling. He did not just say that.

He walked a little bit ahead of you before he realized that you were no longer walking. Students passed by you in the hallway, some of the occasionally brushing shoulders with you accidentally.

"(Y/N), are you okay?"

No, Spider-Boy, I'm not. "Yeah. Let's just get to class." You walked forwards, not saying another word. Peter followed behind, thinking about how pissed you had looked. He felt like he had hurt you somehow, but didn't understand why.

First period with you and Peter was awkward now. The fact that he had said what he said made you slightly upset. To you, it hurt because you felt like he thought he was better than you already. And he doesn't even know that it's you, which makes it worse.

You also couldn't deny that you were jealous, because your dad had given Peter a suit before he had given you one. It just felt like what Peter said was right. That he could take you on when it came to battling over your father's attention. You wanted him to be proud of you and to notice you. You were his blood, and Peter was not.

You did your assignments in complete silence, when suddenly Ned tapped your shoulder, "You should join the Academic Decathlon team, (Y/N)."

"Umm, what's that?"

After a long conversation about what it was, and how Peter and Ned were a part of it, you decided to give it a shot.

You joined later that day, and while sitting at practice, you overheard Peter talking to the teacher about quitting the Decathlon team. You rolled your eyes as he used the "Stark Internship" as his excuse.

Peter noticed, and shot you a slightly guilty look, although you already knew why he was actually quitting.

Spider-Man stuff...

*time skip*

You continued to do your sit-ups in gym as the coach walked in-between everyone. Michelle had your feet held in one hand, and a book in the other as you lifted your body with ease. Small droplets of sweat gleamed down your face, but you didn't care. You glance across the room and your eyes immediately fall on Peter, who is also doing sit-ups without even looking tired or sweaty. You rolled your eyes, "Show off."

"Who?" Michelle finally spoke, glancing up from her book in the direction that you were looking in. Now both of you were watching as Peter continued his work out with ease.

"Looking good Parker." The coach called out, making Peter slow down and fake a pained groan as if he was struggling.

Michelle scoffed, "You'd think Peter would take more credit for being good at something. Unless he's hiding something.." She turned back to you, suspicion in her eyes. You rolled your eyes and continued your work out, unaware that Peter was briefly looking at you.  

"PETER KNOWS SPIDER-MAN!" Ned suddenly shouted, bringing everyone's attention to Peter, who was now looking frantically between his bff and Liz. Oh boy...

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