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You sat in your last class, waiting for the bell to ring and dismiss you from school. Peter sat beside you, his foot rapidly tapping as he glanced over at the clock. "What's got you so eager, Parker?" You smirked teasingly, "Got a hot date after school or something?"

Peter scoffed at your words, slightly flushed. His eyes left the clock and immediately fell on your own (Y/E/C) (your eye color) eyes. A smile formed on his lips, "Just ready to do intern stuff. You know, for the Stark Internship."

"Oh wow. You must be super busy then." You glance back down at your desk, biting your bottom lip and trying not to ask any more questions.

"I mean, we could always hang out maybe this weekend if you want to?"

You sat there thinking for a moment. I mean it was a golden opportunity for you to keep an eye on him.


Peter looked slightly taken-aback. "Yes as in you would like to?"

"Naw, I was just saying yes to someone else. Of course I'm saying 'yes I want to', dingus." Sarcasm rolled off your tongue without hesitation.

"Okay. Cool. I'll probably invite Ned over as well."

You smiled. The bell rang, signaling that school was over. Peter jumped up, his bag already over his shoulder. He had packed most of his stuff up as soon as he had turned in his assignment, which he had finished 10 minutes after it was passed out to everyone. You took your time to avoid looking suspicious.

"See ya tomorrow! Bye (Y/N)!" And with that Peter took off down the hallway and out of the school. You followed him as he went to a sandwich shop first, coming out with a sandwich and some gummy worms that he ate as he walked. You continued to silently follow him until he dodged his way into an alley nearby between two brick buildings.

You press your body up against the brick wall of one of the buildings and glance into the alley. You watch as Peter throws his backpack and starts ripping off his clothes. He strips down to his underwear and you blush slightly, debating on whether you should look away or not. Oh my god, Peter is fucking hot. His abs were pretty much a 6 pack.

You shook away your thoughts and watched closely as he put on a very baggy looking, red and blue suit that had black web designs all over it. He shoved his clothes into his backpack and tosses it, webbing it to the side of a trashcan. He pushed the button on the chest of his suit, making it tighten to fit around every curve of his body. Your dad had to have been the one who made him that suit.

The material that it was made of, and the fact that it had the ability to shrink to be skin tight. The whole suit just gave you at home vibes as soon as you saw it, and you didn't mind it at all.

The eyes on his suit adjusted for a second before he took, swinging through the city. You decided it would be too risky to follow him, being that you had no way to hide your identity if he was to notice you. Ding! Your phone goes off suddenly.

Quickly pulling it out, you glance down to see a message from Happy.

Grumpy- Hey kid. At the school. Wya?

Shit. Happy had been waiting on you for about 20 minutes now. Your dad was going to kill you. You sent Happy a quick text, telling him the street you were on, and waited for him to arrive. He was probably going to have a lot of questions about why you were not at the school, but you didn't care. You were just too lazy to walk all the way back to the school.


3rd Person POV:

Peter spent his afternoon doing what he usually does. Patrolling the city. Although, surprisingly there wasn't much for him to do today. He now sat on a fire escape, eating a churro. He held the phone up to his ear, trying to get ahold of Happy.

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