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"Alright guys, let's wrap this up. It's a school night." Peter was beginning to grow tired already after being thrown around and picked up by the 'anti-gravity' gun. He didn't let it faze him though as he continued to fight off the masked crew.

Peter sees an open shot and takes it, kicking Thor into a glass wall, making it crack. Iron Man holds up the force field device, but before he can do anything, Peter webs the device against the glass, jumps onto Iron Man, and checks his face underneath the mask, trying to see who he was.

"So, how do jerks like you get tech like this?"

Hulk suddenly fires up the device that cuts through metal.

The eyes on Peter's suit widen, "No. Wait, wait, wait!"

Peter quickly pulls Iron Man and himself out of the way. The plasma blast cuts through walls and hits Mr. Delmar's store across the street. It bursts into flames as the the blast slices the store practically in half.

"Mr. Delmar!" Peter drops what he's doing, quickly dashing out of the bank and into what was left of Mr. Delmar's shop. "Hey, Mr. Delmar, you in there?! Is anybody in here?! Hello?!"

He helps Mr. Delmar, who is wheezing and coughing but alive, out of the burning building. Peter also managed to save Murph, who had been casually sleeping on the counter during all this chaos. Peter turns to the bank, ready to jump back into the fight and take the robbers down, but he finds that it is empty. The robbers have escaped.

"Oh, come on. You've got to be-"

Mew. Peter was cut off by Murph, who was just now starting to meow in panic. He hands Murph to Mr. Delmar "Here."

Peter's mind began to race as he took off swinging. I need to tell Mr. Stark about those weapons!


Back to regular POV:

"Why do we have to move?" You asked your dad, watching as the movers started picking up yours and the other Avenger's things, packing them into boxes. Your dad's robot, Dum-E was packing boxes. He picked up an expensive vase.

"Okay. Good. Yes. Yes- No. No, put that down. That’s worth more than you or me." Happy motions towards Dum-E before pulling out his phone to answer a call.

"Because, it's not safe anymore. Plus the new one is a lot bigger, with more room for everyone."

"We have room for everyone right now dad! Besides, how am I going to make it to school in time every morning? Today was literally my first day." You were speaking rapidly, worries that you would lose the freedom that you have just gained. You were starting to love school, due to your new friends. Even if one of them was more like a project, thanks to your dad. But to you, Peter was a really good friend already and you had legit just met.

"Relax honey. You're not changing schools."

"Really?" You smiled widely.

"Yes really. So how was your first day? Make any new friends?" Your dad sipped on his glass of whiskey slowly.

"It was pretty good. And yes I have friends. Michelle, Ned and Peter."

Tony smirks, looking directly at you now, not even focused on his drink, "Any updates on the kid."

You rolled your eyes, knowing exactly who 'the kid' was.

"Last thing I saw before Happy picked me up was Peter changing in an alley into his Spider-man suit."

Your dad nearly choked on his whiskey, "You watched him change?!"

Shit, why did I word it like that? "Um, yeah sort of..." Great, just great. Change the subject and maybe he will just drop it. "But it wasn't like that. I was just mainly focused on the suit. You made it didn't you?"

"Yes." Your dad set his glass down on the glass table next to him, "Speaking of suits, I have something for you."

You felt curiosity sparking within you. What could it be?  You followed your dad closely as he walked over to a nearby wall. He pressed his hand against a scanner on the wall. The wall slid open, revealing a purple and teal suit that had a diamond on the chest area and symbols on it kind of like the ones on Your father's Iron Man suit. Your mouth gaped slightly open in complete shock, "Does this mean I'm an Avenger?" You asked excitedly. "No. I created this suit for your babysitting job. It would make things a lot easier if you could actually keep an eye on Spider-Man outside of keeping an eye on Peter Parker."

You couldn't speak, you were bummed that you weren't an Avenger yet, but happy that your father, THE Tony Stark, had created you a super suit. 

"And yes, this means I'm giving you the ability to stop crime, but not alone. You stay with Peter at all times, okay?"

You huffed, feeling that your dad didn't trust you enough, but nodded. Your dad handed you the baggy suit and mask, that was made to cover your eyes and some of your nose. It wouldn't cover your lips or anything else, but that didn't matter to you. This was your chance to show your dad that you were ready to be an Avenger.

"Go try it on. Push the button on the chest whenever you have it on completely and please," your father looked into your eyes, "don't make me regret this."

"You won't dad." You pecked his cheek and ran off to your room, clutching the suit tightly against your chest. If you could have seen your own face at that moment you would have seen just how big your smile was. You made it to your room, slamming the door behind you.

You immediately tore off your clothes, sliding into the baggy onesie with ease. You put on the mask, which was somewhat like sunglasses, but if sunglasses were attached to fabric that held them in place. stared down at the diamond shaped button on your chest, your hand resting over it.

Taking a deep breath, you pushed the button and slightly flinched as it tightened to the frame of your body. It was of course, built to be modest; there was no way in hell your dad would have made you something that would make you look like a slut. That's why it was a onesie. Something that covered, yet still hugged your curves and muscles that you had gained from training with Natasha and Steve.

Your vision suddenly became really clear as the suit turned on. The designs on the stomach and sleeves lit up, just like tour dad's suit would. You thought there would be an A.I. who would greet you, but there wasn't. You guessed that your dad had it disabled for some reason. Probably didn't trust you enough to have your own A.I.

I wonder if Peter has an A.I. in his suit? You thought to yourself as you adjusted your eyes to the mask's lenses. You looked in your full body mirror and did a turn, admiring how the suit made you look. You looked badass and felt just as badass as you looked.

You took one last look at yourself before stepping out into the hallway. You walk back to the room your dad was in being slightly bashful about your new appearance. "Wow. It looks badass on you." Natasha was now standing there, her arms crossed ovee her chest and a smile on her face as she took in your new look.

"That's my girl." Your dad smiled with pride and it made your heart feel heavy, but in a good way. He walked up to you, and started pointing out small things about your suit that you would need to know. He pointed to the small diamond shape that was on your belt, "This is the button that you push to access your parachute. Hopefully you won't need to use it, but just in case. The suit also has a few things about it that you will figure out. I didn't really add any weapons, because you're pretty much a walking weapon."

You smiled and hugged the living daylights out of your dad. He hugged back with a smile of his own. "Thank you so much dad!"

"You're welcome Princess. Now go kick some ass."


A/N: sorry if the drawing of the suit sucks. I tried my best but I am not an artist.

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