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(A/N- I wanted this story to start before the events of Homecoming, and then work its way into it for very important story-like reasons. In other words; I'm eventually going to have this story based around Homecoming and Far From Home and whenever the 3rd Spider-Man movie comes out I will most likely take it into that story line as well. 😊 I hope that it's worth reading.)

School went by pretty fast, being that you didn't have to do much work. The secret identity thing was a little hard though, because you weren't used to going by a different last name. But you managed to make it. It was now lunch time and you were searching the cafeteria for Ned or Peter. You found them at the very end of the cafeteria, sitting at a table with a girl who had very curly, kinky brown hair. The girl sat at the far end of the table, reading a book.

"Is this seat taken?" You ask, motioning to the seat right beside Peter. However, he didn't respond and neither did Ned. They were both too busy staring at a girl who was hanging up a sign for the homecoming dance that was coming up.

"Did Liz get a new top?" Peter asks, his hand rested under his chin. He clearly had a crush on this girl, Liz. You couldn't blame him though, because she was really beautiful. Ned speaks not even a moment later, "No. We've seen that one before, but never with that skirt." You roll your eyes and slide into the spot right beside Peter anyways. It wasn't that you were jealous or anything. It just annoyed you when you were ignored. Your dad already did that enough when it came to the topic of joining the Avengers.

"We should probably stop staring before it gets creepy, though." Peter added, not taking his eyes off Liz.

"Too late."

We all turned simultaneously to see who the voice came from. The girl with brown curly hair spoke again,  "You guys are losers."

both boys looked at the girl with an offended look. "Then why do you sit with us, Michelle?"

Michelle looked up from her book and glanced at the boys, "Because I don't have any friends." She then when straight back to reading her book. I smirked, "I like her." This caused Peter to jump a little, "How long have you been sitting there?" He blushed slightly, unaware of how obvious his staring was.

"Long enough to see you being a stalker, Parker" You stated, picking at your food, a slight smirk on your face. You had never had school food before, but you could tell just by looking at it that it wasn't that appetizing.


Peter's POV:

"I like her." (Y/N)'s voice came out of nowhere, making me jump a little. I turned to see her sitting right next to me on my left. I felt my cheeks heat up at how close she was, "How long have you been sitting there?" Why do I feel so nervous around her? I had just met her today and we were just becoming friends.

"Long enough to see that you're a total stalker, Parker." Her lips were in a slight smirk as she played with her food, pushing it around on her tray with her fork.

She seemed so much different than any other girl I have met. Something about her reminded me of someone. I just can't remember who. I glanced down at my tray awkwardly.

The next 30 minutes were of us talking about Star Wars and cracking jokes. (Y/N) was even able to convince Michelle to join us. She sat right across from Ned, bringing her stack of books and cup of coffee. I had almost completely forgot that Liz was even there. That's weird..

My attention snapped back to (Y/N), who was looking at me. She almost looked like she was studying me. Our eyes mets and it felt like everything was slow motion. I could feel my heart thudding out of my chest as I stared into her (Y/E/C) (your eye color) eyes. She smiled at me in return and then averted her eyes from mine. My cheeks began to heat up and I quickly looked back down at my tray.

What was that? I looked over at Ned, who mouthed the word "Awwe". He had clearly been watching us the whole time.

It was probably nothing. Just a feeling of like maybe. Like a friend like. Maybe.

"Weshouldprobablygetreadyforour nextclass." I stated quickly. A little too quick if I'm being honest.


Back to regular POV:

You caught yourself staring at Peter, who was now staring right back at you. Staring deep into your eyes making you smile and look down at your tray bashfully. His brown eyes lingered in your mind. You pushed away the thought.

"Weshouldprobablygetreadyforournextclass." Peter stated fast. So fast that if you had wrote it down it would have been all mushed together. "Yeah we probably should. Are you okay, Peter?" He stood up with his tray and walked off, leaving you without an answer.

You got up and quickly followed him, bringing your tray and dumping it. Peter dumped his and adjusted his backpack strap over his shoulder. He turned to face you, "Sorry, I wasn't trying to ignore you, I was just trying to avoid Ned."

"Why would you be avoiding Ned? Are you guys okay?" Worry clouds your voice as you ask. You didn't want any of your friends fighting.

"Yeah. We're fine. He was just being weird." He scratched the back of his neck nervously. "Okay. Let's go to class then." The bell rang, signaling that lunch was over. You followed Peter to your next class which was Spanish. The rest of your first day of school was pretty easy and time flew almost as fast as Thor when he used Mjollnir.

School wasn't as bad as you thought it was going to be. You smiled to yourself as you sat in your last class of the day.

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