boy or girl

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Ben woke up early this time to make sure he was putting the right uniform on.
"Oh ben, you're up, eat up and I'll get your new uniform"
"Mum, could you just get my spare boys one please" asked ben
"Why, don't you want to be a girl"
"Well I'm just a bit scared of going in to school wearing one" said ben trying not to wear one
"Oh ok, I understand, but tomorrow you will have to, because it will need a wash"
It was Thursday and on Friday he had pe meaning also his pe kit will have to be a girls pe kit.
"Fine" ben said getting up.
He ate his breakfast and abbie walked in.
"Hi bethany" she said mocking him.
"Shut up" he said
"Abbie please this is a stressful time for her, please be respectful" said bens mum.
"Actually, what is your new name, we cant keep calling our daughter ben can we"
Ben hated the fact that he was seen as a girl to everyone, especially now his mum was saying he is her daughter.
"I dont have one yet" he said
"Ok, well you should think of one, maybe ask freya for help, she seems really nice"
Ben went upstairs and put on his uniform, making sure that this time it was the boys and he went to school

"Patrick" shouted ben getting off the bus.
"Alright ben, got the right uniform on today?" Asked Patrick
"Yes but I have a problem, my mum thinks I'm trans"
"Because I used that excuse to spend time with freya, but my sister filmed it and sent it to my mum"
"Oh my god, so what are you going to do"
"Well tomorrow, I'm going to have to come in fully in a girls uniform, because I don't have a spare boys one" explained ben
"Honestly I feel bad, but they dont" said patrick pointing at the group of boys he used to be friends with.
"Shit, what am I going to do"
"I dont know, but atleast its Friday, you ahve pe so get to wear it less, and the weekend, then one more week and its half term"
"Yeah, but I'll have to wear the girls pe kit"
He realised Ben's problem.
"Ok, well I dont know what to do, like I know this wont help but I dont really care if you are trans, like I ahve family who are LGBTQ+"
"Ok, thanks I guess" he said, ben wasn't trans but knew he was too far in to say that.

As they were walking in the school gates they heard someone shout.
"Ben, over here"
It was freya
"Just go, I'm ok with it" said Patrick
"Ok, well see ya"
"So ben, have you got a new female name yet"
"Well I was thi king Bethany, and beth for short" suggested freya
"My sister wants me to be called that"
"Great, so beth?"
"Yeah sure"
The girls squealed in excitement
"Beth, why are you not wearing my skirt I gave you"
"Oh, I'm wearing it tomorrow, I'm just a little scared"
"Oh that's fine, and if anyone says anything just tell me"
They talked for a bit until the bell went.

Lessons went ok and at lunch be sat with the girls instead of his old friends, Patrick knew why and so wasn't bothered.
"Hey beth, wanna come to mine again tonight" asked freya
"Sure, I'll just tell my mum"
Ben texted his mum and she said it was ok and sent a photo.

"Hey beth, wanna come to mine again tonight" asked freya"Sure, I'll just tell my mum"Ben texted his mum and she said it was ok and sent a photo

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"Oh they're nice, are they your new school shoes" asked freya seeing the shoes.
"Yeah I think so"
"Awwww, you don't need to be so shy around us, we will help with anything you need" said Charlotte
They talked for a bit and then went to lesson.

At the end of the day ben and freya went back to freya's house.
"Beth, do you have any makeup" asked freya
"Oh, well I have loads spare, you should have it"
"I'm fine"
"Come on, you wont need to buy much if you take these, I don't mind" said freya
Ben felt and so took it.
"Do you like the name bethany" asked freya
"Honestly no, I'm sorry" replied ben
"Its ok, but you do need a new name, we will think of one"
"In the meantime, do you want me to do your makeup, you will look really pretty"
Ben knew that he would have to at some point so reluctantly agreed.
Freya sat him down and taught him a bit.
When she finished ben looked in the mirror and wanted to cry.
He absolutely hated it and didn't want to be a girl but he was wearing makeup and had to wear a girls uniform again tomorrow.
"What do you think" asked freya
"I like it, thanks" he said not meaning any of it
"Wear some tomorrow, also shave your legs for pe"

Ben kept the makeup in as he didn't have time to take it off until he got home.
"Oh you look pretty, did freya do that" asked his mum admiring his makeup.
"er yeah, she also gave me some" he said
"Aw shes so sweet"
"Yeah" he said sounding disappointed
Well done here, I got some things for you.
Ben was curious and so went in to see what his mum did.
On the table was some girls school shoes, a girls pe kit, a big punk coat and some new clothes.

On the table was some girls school shoes, a girls pe kit, a big punk coat and some new clothes

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"Thanks" he said still angryHe took it all upstairs and had a bath, he shaved his legs and washed off his makeup

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"Thanks" he said still angry
He took it all upstairs and had a bath, he shaved his legs and washed off his makeup.
He didn't feel like eating and went straight to sleep.

the wrong uniformWhere stories live. Discover now