|thirty six|

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A/N- Fuck, sorry in advance just trust the process :)

*This chapter moved kind of fast I feel like so sorry, Also updates are going to be slow this weekend and maybe week but most likely not, and sorry for not updating yesterday school really just took a fat shit on me and said deal with it.

- Draco -

A whole month without her. A whole fucking month and not a word about how she is ,my mind was always racing never giving me a break. I have hit bottom and she's not around to help me back up to the surface.

My own friends won't even talk to me still, but I deserve the hate from them.

I promised myself that I wouldn't hurt her and I did and now she's Merlin knows where, is she even safe? One person would only talk to me, wasn't my choice but i'm to tired to tell her off for the hundredth time. Plus it doesn't leave my completely alone I guess, not my first pick, but my first pick wasn't even here.

My face was hard, I didn't let even a drop of emotion seep through. With a lazy arm I dropped my book bag next to my desk and slumped back into my seat. Glancing across the walkway her seat sat empty and cold.

I would be lying if I said every minutes, noise, and creek I heard my head didn't snap to the classroom door praying she would walk through in her short skirt and Slytherin robe on. But every time she didn't.

My eyes focused on my perfectly polished shoes instead of the rubbish Snape was teaching, I slowly lifted my head carelessly as he called out my name making all their heads snap in my direction.

"Yes Professor" I sighed running a hand through my white hair.

"I said, do you know why your so called fiancé is transferring" he spat annoyed that he had to repeat himself, I almost asked him to say that once more thinking I surely heard him wrong. With worried eyes I scanned the room to find the three people I knew would tell me the truth.

Sadness, hurt, worry, confusion. Is what I found in my old friends eyes, clearing my throat I looked back at Snape sitting more up. My hand nervously played with my ring that fit nicely on my thumb.

"No I don't" I spat as anger started to rise in me "Do you happen to know where she is going too?" he shook his head and went back to his boring lesson.

Transferring, why? for what?

Was it because of me? It was wasn't it, she can't even bare to see my face that she is leaving Hogwarts. I was so lost in thought that I didn't even notice when everyone started to leave class, I hurried and collected my things rushing through the crowd of students.


"Watch it"

"Rude much"

Were all thrown at me as I pushed and shoved trying to get to the only people I needed to talk to right now, I was done listening to them when they told me to stop bothering them or taking there hateful stares. I needed answers, now.

Catching up with the trio I jumped in front of them blocking their way, I was panting from the running and huffing in rage. I was done being iced out of this, I may have fucked up but I still had a right to know where she was and if she was even still alive.

Did I ever stand a chance? - DM -Where stories live. Discover now