"Yeah," he paused, then added, "I'm guessing he gave that to you."

I nodded, still very much confused as to how the necklace I had left in my room ended up in the trash.

"It looked like Ashton was a jerk last night," he said, moving closer to me. "Maybe that thing really should be in the trash."

I stared at him. Was Demetri actually being nice to me? This was a first. Like he wasn't bad or anything, but I just got the feeling that he didn't like me very much.

"I think I'll hold on to it a little longer," I told him. "Thanks for returning it to me."

"So... you and Ashton are a thing?" he asked.

"I don't know what we are," I sighed.

"You both seem really close."

I was a little surprise by his sudden interest in me and Ashton. "We're not that close. We just started hanging out."

He smiled. "Good."

He tucked a few strands of my hair behind my ear. He tilted my chin up and leaned in closer to me. I hastily pushed my hand out to his chest to stop him from doing what it was that he was about to do.

"What are you doing?" I gasped as I increased the distance between us.

"Nothing," he chuckled and left the room.

I stayed rooted to where I was, trying to figure out what the heck just happened. If I had hesitated for a second, that would have been a kiss. I was pretty shaken up by that.

Not only did Demetri try to kiss me, but he tried to do that while he was dating my best friend. My confusion turned to anger and then morphed into sorrow.

Could I even tell Callie about what just happened? She was trying her best to get over Daniel and now she finally found someone who she liked. This would break her heart. But then if I didn't tell her, what kind of friend would I be?

I shook my head with a groan. When did my life get so weird? And now Ashton was mad at me all over again because he thought I threw his necklace in the trash. I literally had no clue how it even ended up there. I racked my mind trying to figure out how I could have removed it from its box and accidentally toss it in the trash.

I face-palmed myself. I would have to explain this to him somehow. My stomach grumbled and I decided to distract myself by making breakfast. I rummaged through the ingredients and decided to make pancakes. I made banana pancakes and chocolate chip pancakes.

Trey ended up joining me after his nose led him into the kitchen. I was a bit cautious around him at first, in case he started behaving like Demetri, but he just chatted with me good naturedly and made scrambled eggs and bacon. Eventually I got to relax around him.

"I do not have a gummy bear addiction," I protested for the fifth time.

"You ate four pounds of gummy bears in a day."

"It was just a sweet tooth," I pointed out.

"Right," he laughed and I brandished the wooden spoon in my hand at him.

"This is my ultimate weapon against gummy haters," I joked.

"That's nothing compared to my mom's chancla," he chuckled.

I waved the spoon at him and he surrendered with a laugh.

We were finishing up the breakfast when the girls returned with Kevin. Melissa looked lost in thought, but Callie's eyes were shining brightly.

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