Chapter 11

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Vic's P.O.V.

I hated this room. I hated isolation. It was probably the most annoying part of this prison, and for someone to declare the most annoying part in a place like prison, it must be pretty bad to earn the title.

This wasn't like the last room I remember ending up in. No, this was one of the rooms I haven't seen since I punched some guy unconscious for looking at me the wrong way back when I had just arrived at this place. I'll admit my temper was much worse back then, but I had learned my lesson about never wanting to end up in this place again. The only other parts of the prison I had ended up in for punishment is a dark room I'd spend half my day in until they felt my practical 'time-out' was spent long enough.

It was freezing in here. The lights were practically none existent. The only light provided was when I knew it was daytime and the lights in the hallway shined slightly into the bared square against the top of the door. I had spent a night in this room and I couldn't even begin to explain how much I wanted out.

This small space was too much to bare after awhile. You can barely walk, you can barely see, you can't stop shivering, you can't get comfortable enough to sleep, and you're left with nothing but the time to think through everything you've done to earn yourself this room.

I'm not stupid. I know exactly why I was in here but it didn't hurt or anger me any less when thinking about everything Alex had done and everything he had the nerve to say, especially in a place where everyone could hear it. He was only trying to push me into getting angry enough so I would end up exactly where I am right now and I knew that now but I was way too blinded with anger to realize it before. I felt stupid for having it push me to ending me up here, but I don't regret hurting him. Not one bit. The asshole had it coming.

I had been absent from the rest of the prison mates for an entire day, what could possibly have happened today without me around? Alex was most likely still in the infirmary, spending a day over night there much like I was in this room. But Kellin? I had almost forgot he was the reason the fight started up in the first place; Because Alex couldn't keep his disgusting grimy hands off of what was mine in the first place. The sooner he learns to back off, the better his time here around us will be.

I took a deep breath to try and calm myself down. I had finally come to terms with the fact that if I wanted out, I needed to show that I had learned my lesson and nothing like this incident will happen again. I had just started to come to terms with this so the last thing I needed right now was to blow my cool once more when I knew they would be here soon to come get me. Or atleast, I hope they would.

I was currently laying on the floor flat on my back with my hands resting against my stomach, feet flat while my knees were upright. With the small light shining in through the door, I could make out some of the room I was in and what I had around me, which actually was nothing at all. Most importantly, a bed was what was missing from this room. I was lucky I could locate a toilet in the corner of this room but other than that, nothing.

Time alone wasn't too bad. Even though I felt an empty feeling in my stomach whenever I thought up just the right thoughts involving Kellin or even Alex, atleast I could spend the time on my own. I was starting to get use to the silence of this dark room, only noise present being when I made any sort of movement or the small sighs I might release. The quiet atmosphere was quick to be interrupted when I heard footsteps somewhere in the hallway.

I shot up quickly, sliding on the floor slightly so I had my back against one of the walls rather than being in the center of the room. I found myself staring at a few scratches next to the door, focusing my eyes in one place so I can rely on paying attention to any noise that might be happening on the other side. I knew it was an officer, that much was obvious, but I needed to know if it was my door they were walking towards or someone elses. I had no idea if there was any other rooms occupied right now, but I wouldn't be surprised if there was. It isn't like my hall is the only set of people around in this prison.

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