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Been in this room for quite a long time now. All i need to do is make him trust me. And that is when he can put his trust in me. He makes me mad all the time. I can't control my emotions.

It's a tough time here, barely any food. No sun, no fresh air. Just stuck in a plain room. The windows are locked, it's freezing in the room. What exactlu do i do. Mattia went out of city and yes i know. During a pandemic. I think that he had something important mission to do. I had also heard the name Anni Meriala. Sounds familiar but oh well. I barely remember anyone now. I keep on having these strange thoughts. Oh did i forget to mention my friend. 'Solo yalaria' it's quite strange that nobody else could see him except for me. Solo is quite annoying sometimes. Once i threw my bowl of soup towards him but it smashed the wall instead.

Solo Yalaria

-I don't exist. Noone should know me. Im transparent. Noone knows my real identity. Noone has my DNA. Noone knows about me. You shouldn't too.


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Solo does threaten me but that's only sometimes. He blackmales me all the time which i end up getting in trouble. But other than that we had tried to escape once. But that was a failiar. We are planning to escape again once. Now is a good opportunity to run away since after all Mattia isn't here. Solo can help me choke all of the guards anyway. He is a choker.


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