"You're new, not blind. Don't use excuses to cover up your stupidity. Get out of my sight while I'm still being nice," he scoffs, and runs a hand through his blond hair.

This is him being nice? Bemused faces of the other walking trees and the larger assembling crowd surround me, and I'm doing the exact opposite of blending in. Not wanting to stand out any more, I contain my anger and don't even glance at him as I stride by.

"Oh look, she does have some good ideas in that otherwise useless brain of hers," I hear him say to his friends, like being a jerk is part of his genetic build.

That's it. I turn and walk back to him, looking straight up and into his gray eyes with my narrowed hazel ones.

"Oh, I guess her brain is a hundred percent useless after all," he says to his friends.

He bends down to match my full height, three inches taller than usual thanks to my gorgeous tan wedges, and looks me straight in the eyes, talking as though he was speaking to a toddler.

"Do you need me to draw you a map of how to get the fuck out of my face?" he slowly asks, putting emphasis on the curse.

"No, thank you," I say evenly and calmly. "But I can draw you a map, so when I tell you to go to hell, you'll know exactly where to go."

Everyone standing in the now-crowded hall takes an audible inhale and stops breathing as they absorb the scene. By the looks of this stunned blond asshole and his friends, it seems like no one has ever said anything that daring to him before.

He gets up really close to my face and growls, "Now you listen to me, you little—"

"No, you listen to me asshole," I say calmly. "First of all, get out of my face, your breath stinks from all the crap that spews out of your mouth. Second, your dick belongs to your body, not in your personality,"—I push him out of my personal space— "so I suggest you pull your head out of your ass and realize that you're not the only person in the damn school. Maybe if you and your walking skyscrapers didn't bulldoze down the hall in a straight line people wouldn't have to dive out of your path to avoid destruction. I'm sorry if someone pissed in your Froot Loops this morning, but please do us all a favor and check your issues at the door. Finding a hobby or going to group therapy could really help you with your social problems. So thanks for the friendly welcome to your school, but I'd like to get to class now."

The hallway is hushed still and quiet. Blondie looks completely stupefied.

His friends are laughing—like, out-of-breath-gasping-for-air cackling. These other mountains are all just as breathtakingly gorgeous as asshole number one. The late bell rings. Great. I'm late for class.

Confident that my point was made and this jerk face was properly put in his place, I spin on my heel so my hair hits him on the shoulder and walk through the parting crowd, leaving him steaming.

"Oh my God, she so told you, Aiden! That was hilarious!" one of his gorgeous friends says through bursts of laughter.

So, the jerk's name is Aiden. It's a shame really that such a pretty name and face is wasted on such an ugly personality. So much for going unnoticed; I have a feeling everyone is going to have something to say about me after this. Well, at least I look cute in my skirt and heels.

Now that the entertainment is over, the crowd departs. As I strut down the hallway and turn a corner, I realize that I still have no idea where the hell I'm going. Taking a minute to collect myself, I check to see if maybe there's someone left who might know where to find my classroom.

Anxious at the best of times, hearing rather large and determined footsteps stomping behind me catches me off guard, and then I'm suddenly turned around and hoisted up and over Aiden's shoulder. With my face planted firmly against his back, my butt in the air over his shoulder, and my bag hooked through his arm, he takes off down the hallway.

She's With Me (Book 1, the With Me series)Where stories live. Discover now