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"If I could do it all again,"

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"If I could do it all again,"


His head snapped back to the game as the ball hit him straight in the face. His fingers twitched in the air. He never missed a set. His kouhais looked at him with confused expressions.

"What was that?" asked Ennoshita, fuming. "Even if this is a practice match, you need to get your head in the game."

He nodded, sullenly. However no matter what he did, he couldn't focus. Yamaguchi narrowed his eyes from his seat on the bench.

"Sub him out."

"What?!" yelled Kageyama, who widened his eyes.

"You're benched for the game, Kageyama."

He dragged his feet over and sat next to Yamaguchi. "You only know you love her when you let her go."

"Huh?" He turned around to see the pinch server avoiding his gaze.

However he did bounce his legs. "You know that song, right? When you only understand how much something means to you when you lose it. You lost [y/n] and yet she's the only thing you can think about, right?" 

Turning around he made eye contact with the setter. "You're right," he whispered.

"And you're too late."

This was it.

"Are you seriously leaving?"

Oikawa smiled sadly, nodding his head. She pulled his shirt before burying her face in his chest. No tears, she told herself. Keep yourself together, she repeated. He grabbed the back of her head and hugged her tighter. His heart hurt, but he knew he couldn't stay.

"I can't stay."

"But why!"

"It hurts [y/n]! It hurts seeing you so hung up on him when you know I love you all the same!" He willed his tears away. Never in a million years would he pressure his best friend. But he, himself, could only take so much.

"It's not that easy Tooru," her hands shook as she took a step back, away from his chest.

"I know it isn't," he whispered. He grabbed both her hands and looked her in the eyes. "But you need to go get the closure you need."

After one last embrace, he made his way to the door. Looking back once more, he stuck his tongue out, tears still in his eyes, and closed the door behind him. Walking up to the door, she placed her back onto it.

Slowly she slid to the ground, erupting into sobs. Her arms wrapped around her knees.

▸ 🎕 ┈┈┈┈ 🎕 ┈┈┈┈ 🎕 ◂

The cafeteria was bustling with noise, turning around she promptly exited. She thanked her mom for packing her lunch as she searched the hallway for a place to sit. Sniffling came from down the hall. Furrowing her eyebrows she began walking toward the source. Coming face to face with the boy's lockeroom, she quickly scanned the area. Seeing that nobody was coming this way, she pushed open the door.

"Hello?" she called out, but nobody answered. Slowly shuffling forward, she saw a boy huddled behind a bench. He looked to be a first year student, just like her.

"Are you okay there?" she asked and his head snapped up.

"What are you doing here?" he asked back, in between sniffles.

"Well it seems like you need a hug."

He scoffed, "I don't need your hugs."

"Why not?"

"The third years would just make fun of you for touching the 'arrogant king of the court.'" he replied, bitterly.

"Who cares what they call you?" She plopped onto the ground beside him. Pulling open her lunchbox she starting eating from her bento. "I'm [l/n] [y/n]."

Looking back at him, she noticed he was staring at her carton. Picking up her strawberry milk, she handed it to him with a smile.

"Huh," he whispered, softly. His hand brushed hers as he accepted it. A light blush covered his face. Poking the straw into the milk, he slurped at it. "Kageyama Tobio."

"Nice to meet you Tobi-chan!"

"I know I'd go back to you"


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