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"You could break my heart in two, but when it heals it beats for you

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"You could break my heart in two, but when it heals it beats for you."

The door slammed and the noise echoed throughout the house. Throwing her keys and her bags across the room, she jumped onto her bed. Her face smushed into her pillow as the second wave of tears made its way. She cried till she fell asleep.

When she woke up, the sunlight gleamed in through the window as memories of the previous day flushed through her head. Taking in a shaky breath, she pushed herself up and walked to her closet. Grabbing a trash bag she started piling in clothes after clothes after clothes until it was full. Throwing it over her shoulder she walked to the kitchen and grabbed a few plates.

Her eyes were blurry with tears and she didn't trust herself to drive. Pulling out her phone she called her best friend.

"[y/n] are you okay?"

She swallowed a sob but, her voice came out scratchy.

"He did it Tooru. He broke up with me."

Shuffling from the other line was heard as he got his things together.

"I'm coming over, don't move."

Hanging up the phone, she took a seat and blankly stared at her hands. Last she checked she hadn't don't anything wrong. Her hands began shaking again as she buried her face in them. Had those 5 years meant nothing to him?

Harshly grabbing the bag, she stomped over to her door and swung it open.

"What the-" Tooru spoke up his hands still on the doorknob. Instantly realizing what was going on, he wrapped his arms around her. "It's okay [y/n], I'm here now."

Rubbing his hands up and down her back he hummed in her ear. Once noticing they were still in the doorway, she pushed back and closed her eyes. Grabbing his arm, she yanked him down the steps of the apartment building and out the door.

"Where are we going?" Shoving the bag into his stomach, she threw him the keys and took a seat in the passenger's side of the car.

He peeked into the bag before making a face and throwing it into his trunk. Taking a seat as well, he started up the engine before driving off.

"FUUUCCKKKK" She yelled at the top of her lungs before smashing the plate down onto the ground. "Fuck." Another. "Fuck!" Another. "FUCK." Until there was no more left.

Tooru watched her scream to her heart's content from where he sat atop the car. "Fuck him!" He yelled pumping his fists. She turned to him and sent him a glare before her gaze softened.

She whispered, "yeah... fuck him..."

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"Come on Tobi." Grabbing his arm she pulled him off toward the vending machine by the gym. Since [y/n] went to Aoba Johsai, it wasn't often that she got to hang out with her boyfriend so freely.

He trudged begrudgingly after her as she took a seat at the bench. Throwing her head back she took in the scenario of Karasuno. The wind hit her face and a shiver went up her spine.

"Why didn't you bring a coat, dumbass?" He took off his coat and threw it at her. Her face peeked out from the edge and she stuck out her tounge at him.

"It wasn't cold earlier. And why do you insist on calling me a dumbass?" She pouted and draped his jacket over her shoulders.

"Cause you're a dumbass," he shrugged and began poking at the vending machine. His eyebrows were tight knit, like he was thinking really hard about something.

"You okay up there? Looks like you're having a hard time with something." She got up and walked up behind him, her arms looping around his waist.

He took a step forward and her arms dropped to her sides. He didn't turn around to match her stare. They stood like that for a moment. Him staring at the machine in front of him, and her eyes digging into his back.

"Tobi?" He blinked out of his thoughts before pulling out his money.

He sighed before closing his eyes,"[y/n] I don't think this is going to work anymore."

Her heart stilled in her chest as her breath quickened, "the machine? I could do it for you."

She began hurriedly walking over and taking the money out of his hands. He stared at her as she pushed it in and began pushing the button.

"[y/n], I don't think this is going to work."

Though he couldn't see from his angle, she understood what he meant; and the tears clouding her eyes proved that. She began violently pushing the button on the vending machine.

"It works... see." The button was lodged, and her smashing wasn't helping it.

He lost his patience before placing both hands on her shoulders, raising his voice. "We aren't going to work, [y/n.]"

Stopping her violent attack on the machine she carefully leaned her head on it. She let herself rock back and forth before slowly speaking up.

"Can- may I ask why?" She didn't turn around to meet his intense stare. But if she did, she would have seen deep in his eyes, that this was hurting him too.

"Now that the third years are gone, I need to focus on-"

"Volleyball," she finished for him. Shrugging his hands off her shoulder she turned around and stared at him, but she couldn't will herself to meet his eyes.

"It's always volleyball isn't it?" She asked, bitterly. It had always come first in their relationship, but usually she didn't mind. But now...

"[y/n] you have to know how much it means to me."

"But I do! I was there right by your side when your grandpa died. He told you to continue volleyball, not to make your life revolve around it."

"[y/n] volleyball is my life, my reason to live!" He argued and at this point she couldn't take it anymore.

"And you were mine Kageyama, you were mine." Turning around, she ran off, leaving the setter behind.

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