Chapter 13- Ver-choo-all Ree-al-i-tee?

Start from the beginning


"Miu, what is this?" Maki said, looking over at Miu.
"Why do we look like this!? I don't look like how I wanted at all!" Himiko scowled.
"Atleast you don't have your donkey lips anymore." Miu snickered.
"This is not flattering on anyone..." Tsumugi mumbled.
"You're only saying that because you're admitting to being ugly!" Miu defended herself.
"Look, can you just explain this place to us?" I interrupted.
"Fine! That phone right there brings you back into the real world. Just say your name into it and you wake up in the real world. Now, follow me." Miu led us out of the room and into this hallway. Miu pointed at the wall to show a map. "This is a map of this world. The line down the middle is a wall. You can walk through it to reach the church. Right now, we're in the mansion."
"What's those black walls?" Himiko asked.
"That's the barrier of the world. Beyond that wall is complete nothingness." Miu explained.
"That's kind of a scary thought." I mumbled.
"To go to the church you need to pass over the bridge. There's a river there that you can't fall into but if you did, it'd carry you on until you reached the wall." Miu turned to us. "So, you guys want to check out the roof?"
"We can go onto the roof?" Shuichi asked.
"Duh! Do you think I'd make some boring ass world where there wouldn't be something entertaining?" Miu growled. "C'mon shitheads!"
Miu led us up the multiple flights of stairs and opened up the door. We walked outside into something that some what felt like real life.
"Wow!" I squealed. "It's snow! Gonta look, it's snow!"
"And it actually feels cold. Nyeh, I suppose having my Hope's up this high actually worked out." Himiko yawned.
"What's that supposed to mean!?" Miu  shouted.
"Let's not fight over that and just head over to the church." Shuichi suggested.
We all agreed and followed Miu through the mansion to the front of the large house.
"Over there!" Miu pointed to what was supposed to be a bridge. We walked over to the small ramp infront of the river.
"Where's the actual bridge?" Maki asked, disappointed.
"Poo-ichi! Grab the sign board at the end of the river." Miu commanded.
"Ah! A-Alright.." Shuichi obeyed Miu and grabbed the sign board. He came back over and set it down on the ramp. We all crossed over the bridge and went through the wall.
"W-Woah... what was that?" Kaito asked.
"I'm guessing that was the wall." Shuichi said.
"No shit! Now, follow me." Miu began to walk towards this building. "This is the church, hurry up!" She walked into the church and went to the front of the large room.
"So... what now?" I questioned.
"We investigate!" Miu said.
"Investigate?" Shuichi asked.
"Yeah! Oh, I forgot to mention. The VR world has a secret. This secret is the secret to the outside world." Miu explained.

*Apologies if I mess up on the secret of the outside world part, I completely forgot who brought it up and what it was all about. I finished V3 a while ago and I don't remember much from the trials.*

"Why are you telling us just now?" Maki asked.
"Because I did, calm yourself down titless!" Miu snapped back.
"Do you wanna die?" Maki gave Miu a death stare.
"E-Ergh-!" Miu whined. "W-Whatever! We'll split into groups. Kiibo, Himiko, and Maki stay with me. Poo-ichi, Kaito, Gonta, Kokichi, and Y/N go investigate the house."
"Alright! Dream team!" Kaito shouted.
My group left the chapel and crossed over the bridge. We turned when we heard someone's footsteps. Miu pushed the sign board and left us stuck on the other side. She just laughed it off and went back to the chapel. We decided to leave it for noe and go to the mansion.
"So, we need to make teams. That way we know where we should investigate." Kaito suggested. "I call dibs on the roof!"
"It's confirmed, Kaito is just pure child." Tsumugi joked. "But since we're on the topic of rooms I'll take the dining room. I'll need someone else to check out out the kitchen."
"Shuichi can do the kitchen. What about you three?" Kaito asked, looking at me, Gonta, and Kokichi.
"I'll work with Gon-"
"Me and Gonta can work together!" Kokichi interrupted me.
"Um, excuse me? You just interrupted me. Also, why would anyone let Gonta work with you? We all know you're going to use him." I shot back.
"Aww~ Is Y/N jealous that I'm taking their boyfriend from them?" Kokichi teased.
"B-Boyfriend!?" I stuttered.
"Look! Kokichi, stay away from Gonta. Y/N, you stay away from both of them. We need to investigate instead of focusing on who is with who." Kaito took action. We all agreed on that plan and all went our separate ways.
I went to the room we arrived in, Shuichi and Tsumugi went to the dining room and kitchen, Kaito went to the roof, and Kokichi and Gonta investigated separately outside. After an hour of investigating, I found nothing. I did another hour of investigating but still, nothing. I finally decided to give up and sit down for a moment. While sitting down, I heard a faint crash coming from the other side of the building. I stood right up and went out to the hallway. Shuichi and Tsumugi were just coming out of the dining room.
"Did you hear that crash?" I asked them.
"Yeah, we were going to check if everyone was okay!" Tsumugi answered.
"Alright, let's go." I began to head for the door. We went outside and saw Gonta already outside. Tsumugi told him what happened and Gonta joined us.
"Wait, look! The sign board is over there. It got caught on the rock." I pointed out. Shuichi grabbed the sign board and brought it over to the bridge. He placed it down and we crossed. Kiibo was already heading towards the bridge.
"Oh, you're already here. Hurry up! Miu hit the side of the chapel and she won't wake up!" Kiibo said. We all followed him to the church and saw Miu's body.
"You guys don't think she's.." Tsumugi was too scared to finish her sentence.
"She can't be!" Kiibo whined.
"Let's go check her out, c'mon" Shuichi led us to the mansion and to the telephone. One by one we each said our names into the phone. When I took off my headset, I saw the most horrifying thing...

 When I took off my headset, I saw the most horrifying thing

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