Battle Tendency 16

Start from the beginning

"It is hot!" Joseph exclaimed surprised. "His corpse s simmering! How the...."

"An animal's temperature rises during periods of physical exertion." Eisidisi proclaimed."I can raise my blood's temperature to five hundred degrees and release it. When I severed that corpse's arm, I injected my blood into the wound and made him boil. Wamuu can control the wind with his Divine Sandstorm. I am Eisidisi of the flame. HEAT is my domain!"

You ability to obliterate a dead body must be truly amazing." Joseph taunted annoyed. "But your measly attempt to scare me is pathetically obvious!" He pulled out his steel balls. "Try a Clacker Volley!" He threw them at his opponent. "My Hamon is not like it was a month ago!"

However Eisidisi split his hand in two halves as the Clacker Volley fell right through.

"You are afraid." Eisidisi stated observing Joseph. "It looks like you are the one who has attacked hastily, Jojo. I will drive these veins into your face and send my boiling blood into your body turning you into stew!" His fingernails opened themselves long veins came out of them reaching for Joseph.

"Behold the ERRATIC BLAZE KING!" The veins hit Joseph in his face sending him flying...

Suddenly the wine glass on Lisa Lisa's table cracked spilling the wine surprising her, Suzie Q and you.

Jojo, Lisa Lisa thought looking into the distance while you leaned back in your arm chair, sighing.

"So Lady Y/N what do you mean you made it?" Suzie Q asked curiously putting down a cup of tea in front of you as Lisa Lisa looked you in your golden eyes as you gave her back the Super Aja.

"Well I am not entirely sure but I know I absorbed something." You answered sighing again.

"Lady Y/N I think it would be better if you would rest you seem really tired." Suzie Q advised cheerfully massaging your sore shoulders as you smiled at her gratefully before closing your eyes sipping on your tea.

"I agree Y/N please go and rest. I will stay awake and wait for the boys to finish." Lisa Lisa added warmly.

"Yes I think it would be best." You agreed slowly standing up throwing a last glance into the night sky. Taking a few steps, until suddenly you started to scream in pain.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!" You shouted holding your stomach.

"Lady Y/N!" Suzie Q yelled panicking as Lisa Lisa ran over to you.

"Y/N what is wrong?" She held your face shaking as she saw blood dripping from your eyes and mouth.

"It hurts Lisa Lisa...." You croaked out as black dots started to appear in your vision, your body felt like it was on fire from within and pierced by razors.

"No Y/N! Stay with us." Lisa Lisa yelled seeing your disoriented dull eyes. "Y/N!!"

You coughed up blood as you ivory shin skin ripped, bleeding badly...

You bit your lips panting heavily your whole body shaking. "Lisa Lisa what is happening?" You whispered confused sweating.

"Y/N, hold on!" Lisa Lisa shook your body as you did not respond to her. "Suzie Q, get bandages and a wet towel!" Was the last thing you heard as you drifted into unconsciousness...

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