Chapter 21

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"Darling?" The seer said as he knocked on Aesop's door, "I'm back,". He opened the door gently as to not make any noise.

"Did you bring any drinks?" The embalmer asked, as he looked over at his lover.

"I found some wine on the shelf, it's not Demi's though," He explained as he closed the door behind him.

"Did you bring any glasses?" Aesop asked as he moved up a bit on the bed.

"Yeah, I brought two" Eli said as he gave the bottle to Aesop.

"Ooh, we had this one last Christmas I think, or a similiar one at least," Aesop said as he read the label.

"Yeah, it was something similiar," Eli said as he glanced at the bottle Aesop was holding.

"Pour us some, would you?" Aesop asked as he gave the bottle back to his lover.

"Of course," He said as he gave a glass to Aesop, "Just hold this for a moment,"

After pouring Aesop's drink, Eli poured his own. Eli took a small sip, it was really good for something he picked up in a rush.

Both him and Aesop slowly drank the wine as they conversed about whatever topics came to mind. It would be best if nobody heard them, they didn't need a lecture from Emily about why they shouldn't be drinking at 11 PM. It was pretty bitter, but neither of them really cared, it was late after all.

"God, I'm tired already.." The seer spoke as he rested his head on the headboard.

"You're the one who's hardly been sleeping recently," The embalmer joked. Although they still slept together every night, Aesop hardly ever saw his lover asleep. Maybe it was just the matter that he fell asleep first and always woke up last."I'm just...hoping you aren't having nightmares again." Aesop said as he placed his hand on his partner's.

Eli gave him a small smile and looked at him, "I'm fine, I can promise you that,". He gave him a small kiss on the cheek, "I can promise you that if anything was wrong I would tell you,".

Aesop rested his head on Eli's shoulder. There was a small breeze coming in from the window, it felt nice. Especially with the warmth coming from the lit candle on Aesop's desk. Both of the glasses of wine were set on the desk so nothing would spill.

"You have a match tomorrow, right?" The embalmer spoke up as he glanced at Eli for a second.

"Yeah, I think I do actually," The other replied, "I think it's against Ann as well," he added.

"We should probably try and get some sleep now," Aesop said as he reached over to his desk to put the lid back on the wine bottle. He also placed the half-empty bottle under his bed a bit, that way nobody would see it if they came in his room.

He blew out the candle and turned back to face his lover. They got themselves comfy and pulled the duvet up a bit more.

They lay directly next to eachother, their faces only a few inches away. "I love you," Aesop said in a gentle voice as he leaned in to give Eli a kiss.

"I love you too, my dear," Eli repeated as he held Aesop close in his arms,  "Goodnight, love" He smiled again as he slowly fell asleep.


The seer woke up first, as usual. He got out of bed carefully as to not wake Aesop, he glanced at the clock, 5 AM. Eli didn't plan on doing anything yet, for now he decided to go and get a glass of water.

Eli also took the two empty wine glasses he and Aesop had used the night before so that he could wash them. His match started at 8 AM so he still had loads of time.

"Morning Eli," The seer heard a familiar voice.

"Morning Tracy," He answered politely as he opened the cupboard to his side.

"Are you in the match this morning? Or is that Jose?" She asked as she also started searching through the cupboards.

"Yeah, it's Victor, Emma, you and I" He walked over to the sink before pouring himself some water.

"Ah right, thanks for reminding me" The mechanic said as she took something from the cupboards and went back upstairs.

Before he actually took a drink of the water, Eli cleaned and rinsed the glasses he and Aesop used before drying them off and putting them back on the shelf.

Taking a sip of the water, Eli looked out the window. Tracy told him they would be playing on the Sacred Heart Hospital Map later. He continued looking out of the window, watching the snow fall, the sun was still slowly rising.

"Morning, love," Eli heard a usual voice say as a pair of arms wrapped around his waist.

"Good morning, darling" The seer said as he turned around to give his lover a small kiss.

"You know you could have woken me up, I don't mind waking up early" Aesop said as he pulled away from Eli for a moment.

"Nah, you look peaceful when you're asleep," The seer explained, "I really only came for a glass of water, I was going to go back to lie with you in bed, but I think i woke you up," He said with a sad smile.

"No, it's okay. you didn't wake me up, I promise" Aesop said as he put his arms around Eli's neck.

"You sure?" Eli asked in reassurance as he looked away for a second.

"Of course, now I'm going to go make some tea and breakfast for us" Aesop said as he gave Eli another kiss before walking to the kitchen.

"Thank you so much, I don't deserve you," The seer said as he blushed a bit.

"It's honestly okay, go and take a shower, I'll be done in 10 minutes," Aesop said as he gave his partner a warm smile.

Eli left to go back to his room whilst Aesop boiled the kettle and started making breakfast, it was a surprise that Emily wasn't awake yet, she was often awake by 5 AM. He didn't ponder on it long, he was busy in the kitchen.

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