Chapter 20

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The perfumer threw on a jacket and made her way downstairs where she agreed to meet the coordinator.

"Hey Martha!" The perfumer called out as she waved to Martha.

"Vera," The coordinator said in awe, "You look beautiful.."

The coordinator wore a simple light green dress with a floral pattern that went down past her knees. Her auburn hair was let down and in loose curls, she had one clip holding the hair out of her face on the right side.

"Martha you look so nice!" Vera said as she moved a strand of hair from Martha's face.

"Thank you, and I told Emily that we'll be out for up to an hour as well" She added as she took her girlfriend's hand, "Come get your coat and we can get going," she said with a loving smile.

Vera followed Martha and put her coat on as well, it wasn't physically snowing outside but it was still -3 degrees outside. Martha brought her keys and put them in her pocket. The boots Martha had matched with her outfit well, even though they were heavy and mostly used in combat during matches. Vera had more slick shoes, they were high, black and polished, they even had a slight heel to them.

"Bye Emily!" Martha yelled as she locked the door behind her and Vera.

The lights from the house illuminated the path to the woods a bit, it looked a bit unsettling but otherwise it looked lovely.

"Come on, dear," Martha said as she took the shorter girl's hand in her own and led her to the woods.

"It's dark, big shame since I can't see you and how pretty you are," She said with an exaggerated sigh.

"You look much nicer than me, I love how you did your hair as well," Martha said as she looked Vera in the eyes.

"You look beautiful as well, and it's only a french braid, nothing special" The perfumer laughed.

After 10 more minutes of wondering around the woods and having small conversations, the coordinator brought something up.

"So who did your make-up? You can't fool me I know the way you do it and that isn't you," She said as she raised her eyebrows a bit.

"You know Aesop? The embalmer, the one who's dating the seer," Vera answered.

"Oh, I didn't know they're going out together," Martha said with surprise.

"Yeah, well Aesop is actually really good at make-up and we've been friends for a long time so he does it for me sometimes" The perfumer shrugged.

"Anyways, do you want to sleep in my room tonight? Yours smells like straight chemicals," Martha laughed a bit.

"I am a perfumer after all," Vera said with a high smile, "But yes, I would love to sleep in your room, it's much warmer after all,"

"Your welcome," The coordinator laughed.

"Anyways, we should probably maybe head back to the house now, it'll be a 30 minute walk so we still have loads of time on our date," The perfumer said as she leaned her head on the taller woman's shoulder.

"Sure, and I can brew us some tea when we get back so you won't be so cold," Martha said with a caring smile.

"That's so sweet of you, I don't deserve you" Vera said as she gave Martha a quick kiss on the cheek.

"I love you so much," Vera said with a gentle smile on her face.

"I love you too, sweetheart" Martha replied as she looked off into the distance.

The couple made their way back to the manor, it was getting colder and colder since it was the evening and it was starting to snow again.

"By the way, when can we do this again?" Vera asked.

"Maybe next week? It depends on what matches we have," Martha answered.

The coordinator opened the door and let the perfumer in before herself. Emily still had the fireplace lit since it was only 10 PM so it was much warmer.

"I don't know if anyone is awake, we have matches tomorrow either way," Martha said as she untied her boots.

"Yeah, it's Sunday so I'd say it's good to assume everyone is probably in bed." The perfumer agreed.

After taking of their coats, Vera made her way upstairs while Martha stayed downstairs and started to prepare two cups of tea.

The perfumer already had some clothes at Martha's room she had left from a previous night. It was nothing fancy. Just a simple white silk nightgown.


"Oh, hi Martha," A familiar voice said as they walked into the kitchen.

"What are you doing awake?" The coordinator asked as she turned around for a second, "I'm sure you have a match tomorrow, "

"I could ask you the same thing," Eli laughed, "I just came for a glass of water"

"Well I'm making some tea for me and Vera," The coordinator said as she reached for the kettle.

"Oh yeah, you guys had a date, didn't you?" The seer asked as he got a glass from the cupboard.

"Yes we did, and we might go out again next week actually," Martha confirmed.

Eli looked back at Martha for a second, she was opposite him preparing the drinks for her and Vera. Making sure she wasn't looking, he quickly reached for a bottle of wine and two glasses.

He managed to be quiet enough that Martha didn't hear him. The other glass he took out earlier was left on the counter as he went back upstairs.

Martha looked back to see that Eli had already left, he left the half-empty glass of water on the counter, he didn't even bother to put it away.

She put it in the sink so she could wash it in the morning. Then she took the two cups of tea and headed upstairs to her room where her lover waited for her.

She gently knocked on the door, it was late and she had both of her hands full, after all.

The perfumer opened the door for her and took a cup while she let her in.

"Awh, thank you dear," She said as she gave her a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Come on, drink your tea and I'll change quickly" Martha said with a warm smile.

"Sure, I'll turn around," The perfumer said as she had a sip of her tea and turned her body, facing the window.

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