Chapter 17

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Going up the stairs, Edgar wondered how Luca was doing. He knew that Luca got blasted off in the match they played together, he didn't get to check on him after Martha went ahead and healed him.

At first he thought of knocking, but he also didn't want to possibly wake his lover if he was asleep.

Opening the door gently, Edgar peeked his head through the door.

He didn't see Luca in his room, his curtains were drawn but the light in his bathroom was on.

He didn't want to be intrusive, but something told him he should maybe try and check on Luca.

The door wasn't locked. Edgar opened the it fully and went in.

"Luca...are you in the bathroom?" Edgar called out as he cautiously looked around the room, shutting the door behind him gently.

He heard small whimpers and crys coming from the bathroom.

"Luca?! Are you okay?!" Edgar said as he leaned up against the bathroom door.

"Can I come in?!" He frantically asked as he knocked on the door.

Getting nothing but small cries as a response, Edgar opened the door. To his surprise, the door wasn't even locked.

Edgar opened the door to see Luca sitting on the floor, his back was against the wall and he had his head in his hands.

"Hey..hey, hey, hey..Luca you alright?" Edgar said as he came and hugged Luca.

Luca just shook his head as he kept crying.

"'s okay, I'm here" Edgar said as he ran his fingers through Luca's hair.

With all the strength he had, Luca moved Edgar's hand off of his head and held his hand tight.

"Do you want me to help you get to bed?" Edgar asked as he took both of Luca's hands.

"Y-yeah..." Luca said in a small, shaky voice.

"Come here," Edgar said as he slowly helped Luca stand up.

Luca hissed in pain before holding onto Edgar for support.

"You alright?" Edgar asked as Luca put his head on his shoulder for a moment.

Edgar helped Luca walk steadily and get to his bed.

"Here, you comfy?" Edgar asked as he helped Luca lay down.

"Do you want to change into your pyjamas, or at least take your shirt off?" Edgar asked as he sat down next to Luca.

"No..." Luca said in a low voice as he turned on his side.

"Do you want me to get you pain killers, and a glass of water?" Edgar asked.

"It would be nice...but I want you to stay here" Luca replied as he wiped his eyes.

Edgar knew that Luca often got horrible migraines, they were so bad to the point he would curl up on the bathroom floor and cry. Most of the time he was there for him, so long as he wasn't out in a match.

"I'll be back in a second, I promise," Edgar said as he got up.

"No, wait-" Luca tried to protest but Edgar had already left.

Edgar approached a door he was quite common with, the door right across from Luca's room. He decided to knock on it.


"Oh, hi Edgar" Aesop said with a warm smile on his face.

"Hey, Aesop...sorry to be a bother but could you get me some.." His voice trailed off.

Aesop's expression dropped a bit, "Ah, right...Eli I'll be back in a moment," Aesop called back to Eli who was sitting on Aesop's bed, Brooke Rose perched on his arm.

"I'm sorry for interrupting you two by the way..." Edgar said when he and Aesop left his room. He closed his door and was about to go downstairs to get the pills before he said one more thing to the painter, "Don't worry about it, it's important after all"

Back in the prisoner's room, Luca was still laying on the bed, he was hugging a pillow and waiting for Edgar to get back with the painkillers.

When he heard the door open again he looked up a bit.

"I got Aesop to grab the meds for me, I hope that's okay.." The painter explained.

"That's fine...come rest with me," The prisoner spoke.

Edgar smiled and sat down next to Luca. In return, Luca wrapped his arms around Edgar.

They were all nice and comfy until someone was knocking at the door.

"Hey, I brought some painkillers and a glass of water, should I just put it on the table?" The embalmer asked as he entered the room.

"Yeah, you can put them there" The painter said as he pointed at the desk.

Aesop left the items on the desk and left the room.

"Do you want me to pass you the pills?" Edgar asked as he sat up a bit.

"In a moment," Luca said.

Edgar stayed next to him as he stroked his hair, hopefully Luca could maybe fall asleep.

"Luca? How many shocks did you do in the match..?" The painter asked in a soft voice.

"Around 10, or 11.." Luca said as he felt his lover's hand on his back.

"Ah, right...I hardly saw you during the match" Edgar said as he repositioned himself slightly.

Both the painter and prisoner stayed in bed bext to eachother for at least an hour. Both had fallen asleep by now.




"What time is it?"

"Around 11, I think.."

Aesop was sitting on his bed, Eli was lying down with his head on Aesop's lap, often how he usually was.

"Aesop, can I see your hands..?" The seer asked suddenly.

"Erm...sure" And the embalmer awkwardly let him see his hands.

Eli delicately examined them before speaking up again.

"You probably shouldn't bite your nails..." He spoke as he held his hand.

"I know...I just...can't help it," Aesop said after a small while.

"It's okay, don't worry..." Eli said as he sat up a bit.

"Can I kiss you?" Aesop asked a bit suddenly.

"Sure, come here.." Eli said as he pulled Aesop closer.

They stayed like that for a small while, exchanging a few more kisses as well.

(Author's Note: This could be considered a filler chapter, also I wrote the Elisop part whilst trembling due to something which I prefer not to explain, but I hope you enjoyed the chapter.)

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