Fourth Year~Chapter One

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I'm publishing chapters for the next six days and then I'm going to be updating every Sunday because I'll be back at school and will have exams.

(Y/N)'s POV

It was a few weeks into the summer, after the last day of the school year. I was standing at the counter in the kitchen, helping Dad to prepare dinner.

We didn't have a house-elf to do it for us – there was never an elf in the family to pass down. Besides, I knew that Dad would have preferred to go without one. He was always telling me how it was easier to cherish what we had when we did everything ourselves. I appreciated the sentiment, but it was hard to think the same way as him when the cleaning of our large manor was shared between the two of us. Dad was definitely right, though – I tended to be more careful with keeping the house tidy when I knew that I would have to clean it later on.

'Chop those onions, please,' Dad pointed at them on the worktop.

'You could do this so much faster with magic, you know,' I said while peeling the onions.

'I know,' said Dad, stirring the pot on the stove. 'but I think that it tastes better when we do it by hand. Anyway, Muggles do everything without magic so it doesn't hurt to do some things without help.'

I sighed and squinted my eyes, hoping to prevent any discomfort from cutting the onions. This didn't help. My eyes began to water and tears were streaming down my cheeks. Yet again, I was struggling to empathise with my Dad's way of thinking.

'Lily Evans – Harry's mum – was the one who helped me know a bit more about Muggles and how they functioned without magic,' Dad said brightly. 'It's thanks to her that you're suffering right now.'

'Yeah, I'm not feeling very grateful at the moment,' I said thickly, as my noise had started to run. 'Remus better be thankful that I did this, once he gets here.'

'These skills are basic necessities, (Y/N),' Dad laughed. 'You'll need to know how to cope by yourself once I'm gone.'

'That won't be anytime soon ... Hey, I've just realised – you're not usually off work for this long, are you?'

'The Ministry's giving me a bit of a holiday while you're off school,' said Dad. 'I need to get right back once you've gone to the Burrow, though.'

'I don't think Dark Wizards take days off, Dad,' I joked, wiping my eyes on a kitchen towel. I was glad to get rid of those onions.

'No, I don't think they do,' He chuckled. 'You know, we haven't played Quidditch together in a while. I reckon we can fit in a quick game before Remus gets here.'

I grinned, excited to get back on my broomstick. Dad left the dinner to cook and we both collected our Nimbus Two Thousand and Ones and a Quaffle from the broom shed.

We both shot into the air, doing a few laps around the house's grounds. We then sped towards the makeshift goalposts that we had set up when I was younger. Dad hovered in front of them as I gripped the Quaffle. I flew forwards and threw it towards the hoops. Dad's fingertips missed the Quaffle by inches, letting me score.

'I thought you played Keeper,' I taunted, calling out to him. 'Everyone always tells me how good you were. What happened to those skills?'

'I still have them. You've just improved,' Dad retaliated. 'I used to have to go easy on you.'

'Try your hardest, then!' I shouted from the ground as I reached for the Quaffle that had just been thrown. Dad and I played several rounds of Quidditch where we would switch between the roles of goal-shooting and -keeping. We would both occasionally let the Quaffle through the goal posts, though it was clear that I performed better as Chaser and he as Keeper.

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