chapter seventeen

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picture: Tatiana 🌞



I woke up the next morning in one of Damon's shirts again, a warm feeling coming over me and a smile coming onto my face. The sunlight was bursting through the windows of the boarding house, the warmth making me feel so.. alive.

"Mornin' sunshine," Damon entered the room.

"Hi," I said groggily. "How's Elena?"

"Her Aunt Jenna was turned, then killed," I felt my heart sink as Damon told me what happened. "And there's something you need to know,"

"What happened?" I asked, sitting up.

"Bonnie used a spell with some weird balance of nature thing, and Uncle Gilbert who is really Elena's dad used his life to keep Elena alive,"

"So he's not that bad," I joked, but Damon was clearly in no mood for jokes.

"Your mom used her life for you,"

"Is she dead?" I whispered, looking at Damon. He looked at the floor.

"Damon, is she dead?!" I screamed, a lump forming in my throat as tears spilled.

"I'm sorry, Tatiana,"

I fell into Damon's arms, feeling every single emotion hit me at once. Anger, sadness, confusion, resentment. Why would she give me up to Klaus just to save my life?


We had a small memorial for Jenna, John, and my mom.

"Everyone dies," Elena whispers to me, our hands interlocked.

"I just wish it didn't have to be this way,"

"Me too." Elena said. I looked at the group picture of my mom, my dad, Derek, and I that I had placed where she was buried. My dad and Derek had no idea what was happening.

"Damon, I need you to do something for me,"

"Anything," He said, looking down at me.

I tried to hold back my tears. "I need you to tell my Dad and Derek that they need to get far away from Mystic Falls. They need to move to San Francisco, and forget all about my mom and I,"

"Tati -"

"My dad needs to fall in love with someone else, Derek needs to get a job," I laugh, the tears spilling over. "They need a normal life and they can't have that if they stay here,"

"Are you sure you want them to forget you?"

I hesitate for a moment, "I'm sure."

"If it's what you want,"

Damon kissed my forehead and walked over to Stefan.


"So what's the plan, brother?" I ask Stefan.

"How do we kill an all powerful wolf-vamp and his two faced older brother?"

"I have no idea." Stefan admitted, "but we can't let Elena or Tatiana lose anybody else,"

"Yeah, make no promises,"

I showed Stefan the nasty wolf bite.
"Don't tell Tatiana or Elena, the last thing we need is them mourning over me too,"

"Is there a -"

"Cure?" I interrupt. "No, no there's not."

"I'll find a way, Damon."

I laughed, walking away from my brother and leaving him in shock.


I stand across the street from my house as Derek and my dad move boxes out. They looked happy, like they should be. Like they knew nothing.

Because they don't.

I tried to call Damon, but his phone always rang and rang and he wouldn't pick up.

I tried again, this time Stefan answered.

"Stefan? Where's Damon?"

"He is... in the cellar,"

"Why?! What did he -"

"You might want to come here.. fast,"

I broke out into a sprint, ending the call and running as fast as I humanly could in the direction of the boarding house.


"And you weren't going to tell me?!" I shouted, watching Damon lay limp on the floor, surrounded in a puddle of blood that he coughed up.

"I'm not worth mourning over," He said, his voice crackling.

"Damon, I love you, isn't that enough to want to live?"

"Bonnie's looking for a cure,"

"You mean there's -"

"Not a cure?"

I slid down the wall, sitting beside Damon.

"Stefan's trying, Bonnie's trying.."

"But what if they can't find it?" I said. I just lost my mom, my dad and brother won't remember me, my vampire boyfriend is going to die...How much more can I handle?

"Then I guess you can say your goodbyes,"

"Damon, don't,"

"Don't just sit here, go help," Damon smiled weakly, tugging at my heart strings.

"I love you," I say, the words sounding like a promise as I head out of the cellar. He mouthed the words back and a sense of determination came over me as I bolted out of the boarding house.


Elena - Later that day

"If we met in 1864 you would've liked me," Damon croaked, a slight smile on his face.

"I like you now," I said, feeling tears stream down my cheeks. I knew that Damon was on his way out now, and even though he was my best friend's boyfriend, and my boyfriend's brother... something was pulling me like a magnet to him. Damon shut his eyes and I leaned forward slowly, pressing my lips to his.

"Thank you,"

Katherine appeared, "You really should be thanking me,"

She held a bottle. The cure?

"I didn't have to come here, but I guess I owe you, Damon,"

"Where's Stefan?"

"Do you really care?" Katherine scoffed. I looked down.

"He's out paying the price with Klaus for this," She said, waving the bottle around. "He sacrificed everything - including you, Elena - just to save his brother,"

She started to walk off.

"At least you'll have Damon to keep you company. It's okay to love them both," she adds. "I did."

She tossed the cure to Damon and left, leaving me and Damon to figure out what the hell happened and where the hell Stefan went.

a/n: [big sean voice] o god

delena kiss????? where is tatiana, damon??????????


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