November 1996

135 5 0

"I'm worried about you, sunshine." Theo said quietly as he leant back against the chair he was sitting in.

Lucy shook her head at him. "Don't be." She replied.

Theo watched her for another minute before sighing. "He fucked her didn't he?" he whispered to her.

Lucy felt her stomach drop and she could tell Theo notice her reaction to his words. "After he agreed to stay away from her." Lucy quietly said, nodding to him.

Theo looked at her confused. "What?" He asked, frowning.

Lucy sighed, exhaling a laugh at herself. "Basically," Lucy began to say, "Draco told me from the start to stay away from you," she said, looking embarrassed at him, "I guess he thought if anyone was a threat, it would be you." Lucy admitted, dropping her gaze to the floor.

"So all this time, you've been turning me down, it was because of him?" Theo asked, his tone emitting annoyance.

"Yes and no." Lucy sighed. "You're a lot to deal with, and while I do think you're attractive, sometimes you scare me." Lucy whispered to him. "Anyway, after I noticed Draco showing interest in her, I told him that if he gets to tell me to stay away from you, then I get to do the same, and he agreed." Lucy added, looking back up at Theo who had a frustrated expression on his face.

"And here I was thinking you just weren't interested." Theo scoffed, disappointingly.

"I'm sorry, that you got played in all of this." Lucy quietly said, looking ashamed at him.

Theo softened at her words and shook his head, "it's fine, doesn't matter now." He replied.

Lucy and Theo stayed in the library for the rest of the day, talking about classes and learning new things about each other. She began to feel comfortable around him and started to enjoy being with him.

"Come on, let's head back." Theo said as he got to his feet after they noticed it becoming dark outside the window. Lucy nodded and got to her feet and followed him back to the Slytherin common room.

It was only a couple more weeks until the end of the month, but Lucy still had all her classes with Draco. The first week felt the hardest as every time Lucy saw him her heart broke and she wanted nothing more than for him to hold her and say it didn't mean anything.

Theo and Tina managed to keep an eye on her in most classes, and it was only their defense class that Tina wasn't in. 

"Hey," Theo whispered to her in herbology. Lucy looked over at him confused. "Stop watching him." He sighed.

Lucy looked back at Draco who was sitting with Crabbe and Goyle, before she looked back at Theo and nodded. She dropped her gaze back to her book in front of her.

"Do you want to go watch?" Tina asked Lucy, as she sat on her bed. Lucy was rummaging through her desk trying to find something when Tina asked her and she stood upright, looking at her confused. "Luce, quidditch?" She explained.

"Oh," Lucy mumbled, "yeah, we better go. I've never missed a Slytherin game." She added, giving Tina a brave smile.

"Okay." Tina said, nodding, and grabbed her things. The two of them made their way down to the stadium and found a seat in the cold snow.

As the game began, Lucy couldn't help but find Draco immediately. She had spent the last five years watching him in every game, it just became habit.

She noticed both Astoria and Felicity in the stands near them and both girls made a point to look in her direction multiple times throughout the match.

The Slytherin Princess - Year SixWhere stories live. Discover now