July 1996 - August 1996

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Lucy woke later that evening alone. She sat upright and clung to the sheet that sat on her as she looked around the room, anything left of Draco now gone.

She sighed and laid back down remembering all the places he traced his lips and his fingers on her body.

She got up after a few minutes and quickly got dressed, heading downstairs to the kitchen.

"Oh, there you are." Alissa said as Lucy headed into the kitchen. "I was wondering where you were. I saw Draco leaving a little while ago, everything alright between you two?" She asked, taking a sip from her drink.

"Yeah, why wouldn't it be?" Lucy asked, keeping a calm face.

"No reason. Anyway, Trixx made up some dinner, it's over there if you want some." Alissa said, pointing to the kitchen bench behind Lucy.

"Thanks." Lucy said turning to grab a plate.

"Oh, also, this came for you this afternoon." Alissa said, sorting through the mail on the table in front of her and pulling out a letter. "From Hogwarts." She added.

It was Lucy's OWLs. As she read it aloud to her mother she saw her expression change from worried to proud.

"Seven outstanding's and two exceeds expectations." Lucy exclaimed.

"I'm so proud of you. Your brother never got that many in his fifth year." Alissa quietly announced. Lucy looked back to the parchment in front of her. This was a great result.

The remaining two weeks of July, Lucy spent by herself. She finished her schoolwork and kept herself busy. The Annual Malfoy pure-blood party was cancelled, and she was almost disappointed about it, but she knew it was the right thing considering Mr. Malfoy was still incarcerated in Azkaban. Draco had mentioned to Lucy that The Dark Lord was using their Manor for the time being.

Lucy hadn't seen Draco since he was last over a couple weeks ago and she was beginning to get worried, but she had planned to spend time with Tina over the next couple of days, so that would be a welcome distraction.

"I missed you." Lucy said to Tina as they headed out the back of the Manor. Lucy had packed up a picnic and they headed out to a large shaded tree in one of the fields to eat and talk in peace.

"I missed you too. Tell me, what's been going on." Tina said as they sat down under the shade. It was only slightly cooler in the shade, but the two girls didn't mind.

"I feel like everything's changed since I last saw you." Lucy whispered as she unpacked their basket. Tina watched her friend as she fought with her thoughts, trying to come up with some sense to explain what's been going on. "Okay, well I guess, I've been a little on edge lately, with everything going on with you-know-who. As you know my father works in the Ministry, and well, there's been some talk that you-know-who has infiltrated it." Lucy explained. It was the only way she could come up with to talk about it with Tina without revealing her family's secret. As it so happened, Lucy completely believed that her father was the spy for the Dark Lord.

"You're worried about your father, Lucy. That's completely normal." Tina reassured her.

"I know, but it's not just him I'm worried about. Lucius Malfoy, Draco's dad, you know he's a Death Eater, right?" Lucy quietly asked.

"Yeah, Crabbe and Goyle slipped up last year, thinking I already knew." Tina explained.

"Okay, good. Sort of. Anyway, Draco stopped by at the start of summer, he was really worried." Lucy began to explain.

"Wait," Tina cut her off, "don't tell me Draco is now a Death Eater?" She exclaimed, dropping her jaw open.

Lucy panicked at first, "no!" She exclaimed. "No, he would never, I'm just worried that he might get pressured into something bad from his father." Lucy said to Tina.

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