Chapter 25

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That was not a couple hours.

Minho shook her,"Let's go, Indiana Jones."

Casey rolled her eyes,"I'm just checking something."

"Yeah, alone. With a knife, and monsters."

"You worried for me?"

Minho's face lit up,"No, I'm not."

She pushed his shoulder,"I appreciate it, Minho. I'll be fine."

"Just watch out for them, they're vicious lately."

"Go cuddle Tommy, I'm fine."

And to show her determination, she pecked Newt, who was still out, and strode out the door, wishing she had a camera for the look on Minho's face.


Casey didn't feel, well, thrilled, to be back in the Maze.

Especially now, after the dreams...

She couldn't believe that her mom and dad made the Maze.

Yeah, great way to make friends, huh?

Thinking that, she started to train her thoughts back to Newt.

Then she ran into a wall.

"Dammit," she got up on her elbows. That had not been there a minute ago.

She stood up, brushing off Newt's shirt, which now had holes at the elbows.

Crap, maybe Teresa knew how to sew?

She probably didn't, and if she did, why would she help Casey?


Casey looked at the wall, and ran her hand on the ivy.

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