By the time I looked up at Colby, who was still lying in bed and watching me, it'd somehow gotten darker outside. Noticing I was done, he zipped from the bed to the closet, only to come out completely ready within a second. I wanted to make a comment on how unfair it was but I kept my whines to myself for now. He wrapped his arms around me from behind, placing his chin on my shoulder as he held me tightly to him seemingly for no reason at all.

Finally, he spun me around, looked me up and down, and leaned in. I met him halfway in a surprisingly passionate kiss. His hands found my lower back quickly, his tongue teasing my lips. I was just getting into the kiss when he pulled back, though, a small smirk on his face.

"Come on," he said, "you're distracting me."

I sighed. "As always."

We walked hand-in-hand out of his room and down the stairs, which I didn't stomp down for once. I could hear a gentle buzz in the kitchen but didn't turn to look as we headed straight through the front door to his car. He opened the passenger door for me then zipped to the driver's seat, where he climbed in. We were driving within long.

"So," I said once I was sure we were out of hearing range, "where are we going, again?"

He smiled. "You aren't gonna like it."


"Mhm. I decided that, as you're currently making huge life decisions so I change you—and to help when you eventually have to ask your dad for permission, we'd go and visit your parents for a night." I fell still. "I think I should get to know the people who raised the love of my life, no?"

Though my heart stuttered, I was still silent staring at him. My parents were far from my favourite people. I avoided my mother usually as much as I could and I tried not to bother my dad from whatever it was he did to help afford their house—which was fit for having five children instead of just two.

Colby'd made a decision based around my parents once more... only this time, it felt like it was worse.

"Colby, you know I don't like spending time with my parents," I said quietly, staring at the side of his face. He turned a corner then glanced at me but didn't say anything. "Is there another reason we're going?"

He shook his head. "Not really. I just... don't think I should change you on bad terms with your father."

"You want them to like you," I realised and he shrugged with only one shoulder. "You know you're a vampire, right? You don't have to act like this is a normal relationship; you don't have to be liked by my parents."

"I don't care. I'm lucky to have met you while you still have some form of a life—I want to take advantage of that. I get to meet your parents and go through everything we would if we were human."

"Sometimes I think you wish you were human, Colby," I muttered without looking at him now. He was silent for a short while as he considered his answer. I knew a part of him did wish he was human, because he listened to my heart beating too often to not want one of his own.

Finally, he reached over to place his hand on my thigh. "If I was human, I never would have met you. Or, if I did, we'd never get to where we are now. I would be different and you'd be your old self. We wouldn't have worked and I wouldn't have you sleeping in... well, our bed every day. I would rather be as I am and have you, than with a heartbeat without you." He paused. "You understand that?"

"I understand," I whispered.

"If we're cutting out all other factors... yeah, I suppose I would like to be human. It's new for me to want it but if I could choose to be human with you and have a normal life with you, ironically, I'd choose it in a heartbeat." I smiled to myself. "But as of right now, I'm happy to be as I am."

Bad Taste (Part I)  // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now