"Calm" Before the Storm - Episode 2 Part 1

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Before the Episode Starts, I'd like to point out, that It's been basically 1 Month since Season 1 of Inanimate Insanity has ended. So, It's kind of a different point from where we start actually?

Morning - 5:40 AM. - Taco's Room.

"This is a living nightmare."  Was the constant thought in Taco's mind as the days went by in this hotel. Every single day she awakens, she is greeted by the ceiling of her room in this hotel....What hotel exactly? Hotel OJ. He even has his name in it! What a self-absorbed-Uhg, she doesn't even want to think about it right now. Just, when is this new Season happening?!

After staring at the ceiling for a minute, Taco sighs, turning over and snuggling deeper into her cover. Even she has her days, just wanting to not get out of bed. She has no reason to get up, which not many can say. She'll probably get up to get some tea after about an hour or so, but besides that....nothing. Though....

Taco sighed slightly, though that would turn into a yawn as she threw the covers off herself. She glanced over at the clock on her desk, which read 5:43 AM.

"Only 3 minutes?" Taco groaned, rubbing her eyes. Felt like an eternity to her, as she was extra tired today for some odd reason. After stepping out of bed, she slowly shuffled straight to the door. "Tea.....Bed......Tea......Bed....." She mumbled to herself, stepping out into the hallway. The First and Best thing she noticed, nobody else was out right now, and there was only peace and quiet. "Great.." Taco would grin tiredly.

Taco would slowly, but eventually make her way down into the Kitchen. She'd reach for a lower cabinet for a pot.....but paused. She shook her head, instead opening a cabinet up top, taking out a mug. "I'll just get coffee." After taking a minute to set that up and get her coffee......she'd just go in the living room and sit down on the couch.

Taco just stared at her coffee for a few seconds, just looking inside of it, not even being able to see her own reflection. Though it is obviously getting brighter outside, It's still more dark, combined with the fact Taco didn't turn on any lights. She would sigh, taking a small sip of the drink, instantly feeling warmth spread in her.

After that sip, Taco leaned back into the couch, still holding the warm mug in her hands. Though tired, she can still get into deep thinking, and she has A LOT to think about right now.

"Was MePhone lying when he said we had another season?" She pondered, easily remembering when she had asked, and he said that they were......But- "It's been a month, and literally no contact from MePhone. Granted, living here has been a big pain, but I can easily oust myself by going to the top floor and staying in one of those rooms."  Taco doesn't think it's a BAD Hotel per-say, but she does only call it "The Hotel" instead of "Hotel OJ" like most others do, and is constantly reminded that she is in the building of the one who stole the million from her. So It's 50/50 for now. That also opens up new questions....

"How am I supposed to act now?"  Was a bigger question in her mind. She is obviously not going to show her true self....but she also can't go back into 100% Stupidity mode either. Not because she doesn't want to, as she can EASILY revert back into that if she wanted, It's just that somehow....a few others know that Taco has seemed different. She's heard some of the things they've said about her.

We currently see Nickel and Baseball walking by Taco's Room. 

"Have you even realized how much she's changed?" Baseball questioned, while Nickel just laughed.

"I know, It's great!" Nickel exclaimed, "No random yelling every minute, no lemons, she's speaking coherently all the time, eh....her voice is still pretty annoying to listen to..but besides that, she's normal!" He listed off, as Baseball only looked a bit irked at Nickel's response. "Now Apple on the other hand, she needs work." Baseball shook his head.

(II.2) Taco's 2nd Try.Where stories live. Discover now