Light snow hitting the ground (part 2)

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*After the talk with the teacher*

The brunette was not having a good day today, that plus having the same amount of the hellish paperwork and keeping up with classes

(Not that he really needed that anyway)

Because Reborn his tor-tutor wanted him to at least take first year.

He made a choice to stay in Nanim for the year;he could do paperwork there too.

Line break~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

While the students were chatting peacefully,one with gravity-defying hair of his was doing what he defined "homework" aka a pile of thick paper that had the height from the pavement to the desk of the college he currently frequents : Nanimori college.

Currently that particular student was angry with his supposed tutor,Reborn,excuse me,Reboyama-sensei did not help him out with something as "puny" (as the older male refered to) as not being able to reason with his mother to actually not kick him out of the house because they had an argument on this boy,about his age ,barging into the house with the KEYS Tsuna's mother gave him.

What's the problem?

That his mother gave the keys of his home to a stranger!!!!

She said she knew who he truly was and trusted him; the problem is his mother was so dense that she couldn't recognise someone holding a gun to her face and smiled thinking it was a water gun...

Whatever, he thought,it was near impossible to make her chance decision...
When the teacher entered the class Tsuna understood that something was wrong because the teacher left the door open...... 'no' he thought 'it couldn't be that...'

"Class,your attention please,starting today we will be having a new classmate,please treat him well,enter"

At that moment the student entered the room...

He didn't look like Alteri at all.

His intuition said something different...Idiot how wrong you are.

'No I just jinxed myself didn't I?'
"Come on,present yourself"
"H-hai, Hello I'm Alan.D.Alteri.
I've always done homeschooling,so this is my first day in school. Please take care of me."

He bowed and the teacher pointed a chair near him at his school right.

Just his luck: non-existing!

Alteri got to his place and took out a notebook. "Since he hasn't the book could you please share them with him Sawada-kun?"
"Sure,here" the other boy thanked him with a simple "Thanks"

Tsuna couldn't believe the boy in front of him and the boy back at home just yesterday were the same person. Their personalities were just that much different.

All the school day he just continued shuttering and answering the questions correctly,much at everyone's dismay,the new student was not a Dame...

Tsuna,while doing the paperwork he tried to peak in his book to see that every single one of the questions at the end of it were answered correctly,they were something that Tsuna already did,because of his tor-tutor Reborn,but a normal first year college student shouldn't know how to answer that...

When the student realised he was stared at by Tsuna he looked down at the book and realised what actually he had done he sprung up and bowed while saying in utter scared expression on his face gaining the attention of all the class for interrupting the lecture "Sorry for writing in your book."

"No,it's not a problem at all. Also you got them all correct."


At that point the teacher yell to them "To the disciplinary committee both of you"

All the other students in the classroom had a chilling shiver going down their spines. Who wanted to be sent to the disciplinary committee?! (With something resembling some sense in their minds?)

*the dictionary committee's room*

They were welcomed with an wild exemplar of Hibari-senpai : sleeping peacefully on the couch at the left of the room.

Tsuna sweetdropped at the sight, this exemplar was extremely rare,in fact it was a once-in-a-lifetime situation.

Meanwhile Alteri went and seated in the president's seat,near the window facing the desk; like one of his friends would say "'That is Extremely dangerous and you are manly enough to try it! Fight me!/Join the boxing club'"

Yeah,maybe I should warn him before hibari-senpai 'bites him to death'


"I suggest that you do not sit there,because,uhm oh well, ' cause Hibari-senpai is not going to like it"

"Oh,thank you for your advice"

He bowed and got up from its place and got to another chair,took it to the desk and continued with his writing...which was one of the things that shocked him the most...

Just what was he writing?!?

Hibari-senpai slept throughout the whole hour until the bell rang,but they were gone by long at that point...

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