Battle Tendency 15

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Caesar I understand how you feel, the young Joestar thought, our grandfathers were heavily injured mine along with so many others met with tragedy because of the stone mask and we have met its creator, Kars!

"Destroy it!" Joseph declared pointing at the necklace. "Destroy the Red Stone! Turn that thing into dust and let them cry like babies."

"We cannot." You spoke up calmly surprising everyone. "This stone is really important for me, for us.

Lisa Lisa and

I had a serious conversation about this sensitive topic while you guys were training we did not laze off. Actually we have made some background research. Surprisingly, the L/N's were once in possession of the stone, my ancestors studied the art of Hamon before in the Hamon Tribe which was eliminated by the Pillar men two thousand years ago, while they fought, their master told them about the stone so they brought it to safety. A legend says they cannot defeat them without the stone..." You took a deep breath, calming yourself.

"Why not?" Joseph interrupted furiously.

"Because I think I figured out its secret." You asked eyes gleaming in determination.

"You did?" Lisa Lisa asked perplexed with Caesar.

"Since I was a child I lived with the Joestars and I studied medicine, however my parents loved and cherished me their only daughter they gave me their books and bought me gifts. However it seems I knew nothing about the family who I was born into. Then when the mansion was burned my family died so I stayed with the Joestar family.But still there were many unanswered questions concerning my background, nobody seemed to know anything about my family not even the Joestar's. So I tried to find information on them and traveled a lot, then I found something interesting in the encyclopedia Nobility throughout the centuries I found in the Joestar library. The L/N family has a really long history usually nobles would marry other nobles to secure their fortune and social standing, but one time one of the L/N heirs married a woman without a noble background, their children went to study Hamon in the tribe which was later wiped out and they returned with the Red Stone of Aja, it was known as the L/N family's family symbol for years until the child of their parents inherited the stone and married an Italian man. This was how the Red Stone came to Italy to was somehow passed down to Lisa Lisa. The next heir, her brother continued the L/N bloodline until I was born and everybody else died. I am the last living L/N of our proud L/N family. Somehow I walked down the path of Hamon too to seek for my abilities, I wanted to identify them so I went to Tibet were master Tonpetty read my past and told me about this stone. Years later I met Will A. Zeppeli, Caesar's grandfather who was searching for the stone mask, finally I felt like I found a clue to unlock the secrets of my past and myself." You revealed. "The Red stone of Aja will help the Pillar Men to conquer the sun however the Red Stone is also able to change my fate. I was told the Red Stone has hidden abilities within, which I could unlock and take for myself. I want to try and obtain them to defeat those Pillar Men for good. I am willing to try, so we cannot destroy it no!" You exclaimed shocking everyone with your explanation.

Caesar looked at you in confusion:"Y/N, are you sure?" He asked carefully.

"I am certain; just give me a few hours pleas." You opened your palm as Lisa Lisa looked in your golden eyes hesitantly.

"Do you know what you are doing Y/N?" She whispered.

"We already discussed it." You replied shakily as you felt the cold stone in your hands before turning away walking out of the room.

The last one standing A Jojo's bizarre adventure fanfictionDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora