Chapter 3

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Izuku awoke to a horrible pain in his stomach. He saw a shank inside of him. Traveling to the human world weakens his powers to where he can be hurt easily like a regular person. All that was going through his mind is that he might die. Everything was slowly going black. He tried moving but couldn't. The he heard a voice say," Daddy, stop we have to help this boy." That was when he passed out.

He shot up out of bed and opened up his eyes. The people around him were horrified to say the least. He slowly got up ignoring the people telling him to stay down. His head hurt like a bullet just went through it." Where am I?" He asked one of the many people there.

"You are at the Yayarozu Manor sir." Answered the butler in a scared tone. All of a sudden a girl in black hair busted through the door. She angrily looked at him.

"Get back in bed now you are not fully healed yet!" She shouted at him. He knew hid he didn't do as she said the yelling would continue. He didn't want to risk his head hurting more so he made his way back to bed." Now what is your name and what were you doing in the streets." Asked the girl.

"My name is Izuku Midoryia, and I was in the streets because I don't have a home." Izuku answered her. He knew that he was not in the position to taunt, but he was going to anyway." Were you up all night worrying. This is a pink bed so I am assuming it is yours." He said with a smirk on his face. The girl blushed heavily until her face changed back to anger again.

"Why the hell would you think that!" She shouted at him with a tint of pink on her cheeks." You are not leaving this bed, or so god help me I will hand cuff you to it."

"That's kinda kinky don't you think." He said the grin still plastered on his face. The girl went as red as a tomato and left the room stomping. The butler looked at him weirdly, not liking what just came out of his mouth." You know my father is very rich as well. He can send you money in thanks for this." Izuku said the the girls parents who just walked in.

"That's not needed. We do it to help not gain." Said Jono the girl's father.

Izuku still after days couldn't muster up the strength to fully heal his wounds at a fast rate. It was like something was stopping him from doing so. The girl who he found out her name was Momo, was always with him. They eventually became somewhat friends. Though Izuku did not like it, Momo would stay with him all night. He could not tell if it was because he was in her bed, or she had feelings. He didn't care to much either or he had to get up.

"Sir, we have set up your own room. Master learned you were from another country and has allowed you to stay." The butler said. Izuku was excited that he had his own room. Momo being there was annoying at times. Now though, he would be free and could lock her out. After being in his own room he healed fast.

"I heard you are leaving soon." Momo said to Izuku her voice had a bit of anger in it. Izuku having never been near human didn't know how to react to the words said.

"Yeah I guess. I don't care really, I just want to go see my mom." Izuku said with no idea how Momo was going to react. Her hair shadowed her eyes as she walked away. Later that week he left the Manor in search for his mother. He never talked to Momo through that whole week.

He wandered the streets of Japan looking for an apartment building. When soon he reached his destination. He knocked out the door. As it opened he said," Hi mom, it's been awhile hasn't it."

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