Chapter 2

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Izuku was getting ready to go. Packing all the numerous things he would need. He had never been to the human world except or once, but that was when he was born. He had been in hell for 1000 years. Although he knows that time works differently there so he would expect it to only be 15 years. Now on his way to see father he sees something. It was a bright glowing light.

Sounds of traffic and people talking filled the air. He started to move towards the bright light to see where the sounds were coming from. When all of a sudden he was starting to be pulled in." Someone help!" Izuku shouted out. Yet no one came, and he was sucked into the light.

He woke up in a dumpster next to an ally. Confused he got up and looked around. It was like nothing he had seen or heard before. Bright lights and laughing filled the streets. He knew that this was home. Yet he had no idea where he was. Originally he was going to Lux, his dads nightclub. So he walked up to a person and asked," Where am I?" The person looked at him weirdly like he asked the worst question in the world.

"Sir you are in Japan." The person said. Izuku thought for a second. Then he realized he was on the other side of the world. He started to freak out. Then he realized that his mother lived in Japan, so then he could maybe find her and ask for a trip to America. One problem was at hand. He had no clue what his mothers name was.

In another area Bakugo, a angry middle schooler, was walking through an ally. When all of a sudden a large slime monster came out of the sewer and attacked him. Bakugo tried defending using explosions, but nothing would work. A boy jumped in and grabbed him out. His hair was black and green. As well as also being in a suit. Bakugo passed out, but before closing his eyes he saw a glimpse of red.

Hours later Bakugo awoke to the same person who saved him now sitting next to him." Who the hell are you, and why did you save me." Bakugo asked.

"My name is..." Izuku said then paused. He did not know if humans know of the Morningstar last name. So he had to play it safe." Izuku Midoryia, nice to meet you." He said in a slight British accent.

"I take it you are not from here due to your accent." Bakugo said with a smirk. Izuku smirked also, but walked away.

"You better watch your back, don't want that happening again." Izuku said while walking away. He had no interest in making friends. Of corse it was fun to see humans, but friends were out of the picture. Breathing in the fresh air was like nothing before. Walking around and hearing no screams of terror was amazing. Soon he made his was to a tea shop. It was small, but looked nice. He went inside to order a drink and some food. As he was waiting a construction crew came in to the shop. They stuck out like a sore thumb compared to the place. Although he did see a girl. The had brown hair and brown eyes. Izuku went over to the crew." Excuse me, but you all stick out like a sore thumb here. May I ask why you came here in all that stuff?" Izuku asked the man. The construction crew looked at him for a second and then laughed.

"Hey kid your pretty funny!" The man said with a happy tone." How about you leave us alone." The man said with a change of tone. Izuku looked at him weirdly and backed up and returned to his seat. He could hear the girl complain to the man for doing that. Then the man chuckled. As he sipped his tea he wondered what his mother was like. His father never talked much about her. Of corse he also hadn't seen her in a thousand years.

Then he was interrupted by a tap on the shoulder. It was an employee asking him to leave. As he walked out of the store he just realized he had no home. He figured under his fathers name he should be able to get a pretty expensive house. But he remembered that he could not use his last name as well. So he went to an ally and took a seat.

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