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it had been a week since the incident with atsumu.

you couldn't pretend that you weren't avoiding him, because the truth was you didn't know what you were going to say.

"hey atsumu, i'm sorry i freaked out about you almost kissing me the other night, i just am starting to develop real feelings..how does that sound?" you asked osamu as he sipped on his soda. you had begun to confide in osamu a lot more, as he really was one of your only other friends.

"eh. it's a little dodgy..why don't you just be up front with tsumu?" he responded. you sighed. being up front would possibly only end up in you getting rejected and hurt. you couldn't act like you weren't hoping the kiss was fake. you wanted it to be real.

"well, you're his brother! cant you just..i don't know, ask him how he really feels?" you whined. osamu rolled his eyes. "i could, but that sucks all the fun out of it. besides, this is a you problem." you groaned and massaged circles on the sides of your head. you didn't even realize atsumu sit down next to you.

"why hello dear brother." osamu said sarcastically with a smug smile and you froze. you turned and prayed you weren't blushing. you nodded your head at atsumu and he smiled a little. "h-hey samu. uh, y/n are we-" you cut him off returning the smile. "relax atsumu. we're good." you were relieved that you could both understand each other with such a simple interaction. osamu looked between the two of you and sighed. "you two are weird." he mumbled, and went back to his soda.

"so," atsumu spoke, slinging an arm around your shoulder. thank goodness he was back to normal. you leaned into his shoulder a little; happy to be back in his presence. "you know y/n, the school dance is soon." he commented, snapping you out of your thoughts. in all honesty, you hadn't even given the dance much thought. "oh, well i was just gonna hangout with mina-" you started but mina magically appeared beside you and flicked your head. "um no. we are going. plus, you have to go with atsumu and make lani jealous!" she ordered. you sighed, but atsumu nodded. "mina has a point." you groaned.

prom meant fancy dresses and dancing and crowded dance floors. not exactly your idea of a fun night. but atsumu and mina had you cornered. "ugh fine. i'll consider it." you thought for a moment then smiled slyly. "well i will if you go with osamu mina."

mina's face turned a deep shade of pink. you knew she had developed a huge crush on the gray haired twin. "i-i mean.." she stammered. osamu chuckled from across the table. "i'm fine with that. it'll be fun." he said and flashed a rare small smile at mina. atsumu laughed. "wow, did you just smile? how sweeeet." he cooed and started poking his twin. osamu quickly went back to his usual stoic expression and grabbed atsumu's finger. "keep poking me and i will snap your finger."

~time skip~

as the week droned on, more and more prom-posals commenced, and you got more irritated with each one. personally, you thought they were all way too extra. some people even went to lengths of renting professional dancers to propose to their significant others.

during your biology class, you felt something hit you in the back of the head. you sighed in frustration then unfolded the paper ball.

"sooo, you. me. prom?
you still haven't given me a straight answer yet."

you giggled a little under your breath then scribbled a response and tossed it back to the blonde haired boy.

"maybe if you ask me better..i'm not saying yes to a piece of paper you chucked at my head.
also, do your work-i know you aren't."

atsumu stuck his tongue out at you, then went back to work with an amused look on his face.

on your usual walk back home with mina, she requested you two hangout and play some video games together. you shrugged and agreed.

once you made it to your door, the first thing you noticed was that it was closed. i don't remember locking it. you opened it fearfully with mina behind you and were shocked at what you found.

there were a bunch of balloons and streamers everywhere and right in the middle of it all was atsumu. there was also a huge poster with "prom?" scribbled onto it and probably the worst handwriting you had ever seen in your life. "you know this would have looked a lot better if you let me do the sign." osamu mumbled from the corner.

atsumu rolled his eyes and pulled you further in the room. "welllll..will you pleaseee go to prom with me y/n?"

you blinked in response. "first of all, how the hell did you two get into my house?" you muttered. osamu chuckled. "your mom let us in." you just stood there in shock. the tackiness of the sign really did add some flare. you sighed after awhile of silence. "fine. i'll go. but only because you put so much effort into this." you grumbled.

atsumu cheered happily and hugged you. not the hugs again, they always broke your chilled and relaxed composure. you swatted at him, which only made him laugh more. "i promise y/n, i'll make it the best night of your life." he said seriously.

you let a small smile loose. "it better be."

heyyy!! she's aliveeee. i hope you enjoyed this chapter; next chapter will be the prom and then there will probably only be like one or two chapters after that. no worries though, i still have more stories in mind. i will also be uploading another levi one shot tn. also, thank you sm for all the votes on this!!
-M <33

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