married life (a surprise extra)

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you sighed as you shuffled for your keys in your pocket. it had been such a long day at work, and all you wanted was to shower and go to bed. you sighed once more before unlocking the door, and you gasped at the sight in front of you.

your husband, atsumu, was at the stove simmering something in a pan, and your usually cleared off dining table was lighted with candles.

"atsumu?" you murmured uncertainly, putting your bag down. atsumu turned and smiled at you instantly before turning down the heat on the stove. he hurried over to you and enveloped you in a hug before pressing a chaste kiss to your lips.

"hey, how was work?" he asked softly and guided you to sit down before pouring you a glass of champagne. you started to answer, but couldn't help but be a little thrown off by your husbands kindness. sure, he had always been sweet, but today he really was going all out.

"tsumu, what's going on? you hate cooking." you asked suspiciously as you zipped at the bubbling drink. atsumu rolled his eyes and went back to whatever he was preparing for dinner.

"i don't hate cooking..and besides, you've been so stressed lately and i wanted to do something nice for you." he responded lightly. you stood up with a smile and pressed a soft kiss to his cheek. "well, thank you. but you really didn't have to do all this." you assured him. atsumu just flashed one of those signature smirks before telling you to sit down and relax.


after a surprisingly delicious dinner (followed by atsumu almost setting the house on fire by trying to flip the pan) the two of you happily retreated to the living room.

now, as your head rested on atsumu's chest and his fingers combed subconsciously through your hair, you were finally at peace.

you sighed in content, causing atsumu to chuckle and look down at you. "what?" he asked, pausing the movie you had been watching. "nothing. i'm just really happy here." you admitted in a low mumble. atsumu smiled again and pressed a kiss to your forehead. "well i'm happy that you're happy. that's my job after all." you laughed a little then flicked his head.

"your job is also watching the cookies you put in the oven over 30 minutes ago." you remarked. atsumu shot up before hurrying to the kitchen. "shit shit shit." he muttered as he took the cookies out and fanned smoke out the window.

the whole time, you watched him with mild amusement as he scurried around the kitchen. you really did have the most naive yet adorable husband in the world. you made a mental note to text osamu about his brother's shenanigans before you went to bed.

a couple rushed minutes later, atsumu returned to the couch and smiled at your nervously before setting down a plate of cookies on the coffee table. you smirked as you inspected one; particularly it's nearly black bottom.

"mm delicious. charcoal cookies." you hummed with a giggle. atsumu rolled his eyes and picked up a cookie himself. "oh shut up, they aren't charcoal! they're just- my special secret recipe. yeah, that's it. the trick is to burn them." he insisted. you burst out laughing as your husband pouted at you before unpausing the movie again and settling back into the cushions.

you followed suit, and laid back against his chest as he immediately wrapped his arms around your waist. "i'm sorry i messed up the cookies." he mumbled in your ear. you shot him a soft smile before responding. "eh, no biggie. besides, it was cute. it's the thought that counts."

atsumu scoffed lightly and turned his attention back to the tv. eventually, the credits began to roll, and as you reached for the remote to put on another film, atsumu was faster and grabbed the remote before you. "no more movies." he whined. "let's do something else."

you sighed and nodded before turning off the tv. "alright then tsumu. what would you like to do?" you asked carefully. the blonde boy thought for a moment before smiling and bringing his lips to yours. you sighed lightly into the kiss before wrapping your arms around his neck and leaning back against the pillows, tugging him with you.

atsumu hovered over you momentarily, just staring at you with a look full of love. "i can't believe how mushy you've made me." he commented, absently moving a strand of hair out of your face. "i know right? you used to be so desperate." you agreed. atsumu rolled his eyes before placing another light peck on your lips.

"you look exhausted." he observed. you grunted and poked him playfully in the head. "gee, thanks babe." you said sarcastically in response. atsumu chuckled and lifted you easily into his arms bridal style. "i'm not saying that you look bad, i'm saying you look like you're falling asleep."

you didn't argue as he carried you to your shared room and laid you gently on the bed before laying down beside you.

"goodnight dork."

"goodnight loser."

woahhhh. mia posts another chapter that's actually story related?? that's craaazy. anyways, i haven't been posting a ton because i had finals and ap testing this whole week, but i'm basically done with school so MORE UPDATES. i also started watching my hero again to celebrate finally having free time again, so my bakugou obsession is back. i think i'm going to start a bakugou one shots book but only if you guys would read it. please let me know if you would like that :) UPDATE THE FIRST CHAPTER OF THAT IS UP!

also i'm not sure if i'm gonna keep doing these little atsumu updates, i just kinda felt like writing for him and i'm sorry THIS IS SUCH A MESS OF A CHAPTER AND SO SHORT!! it's also unedited so oops..

thank you sm for 11k reads, and 1k reads on my levi one shots too, you guys are insane!!

that's it for my rant/lil speech,
-M <33

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