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Within one week inside the university, Akaashi had settled in. his dorm was fairly simple, but the real perk was that his roommate, some foreign first-year, was only scheduled to arrive in the middle of the year. so until then, he could live in solitude and not have to escape his comfort zone with unnecessary conversations and awkward run ins. 

school itself was fine. it was harder than highschool but in a way calmer. the students were more focused, but there were a few sleaze-ball jocks who made it their mission to disrupt the peace. as a former 'jock', Akaashi remembers how some of his teammates would constantly annoy the class, while he stayed silent, not doing anything about it, but still irritated. though he was put out by their obnoxiousness, he still missed their presence. there was something about being apart of a team, that was comforting in a way.

and then he remembered his big fight and instantly recoiled from his previous thoughts.

", are you going to the party tonight? Everyone's invited apparently.", Akaashi hears behind him as he jots down his notes (spending unnecessary time on the title, because he felt like making it cute for some reason)

"Mmh, i dunno. are you?"

"Well yeah, i heard it was at Bokuto's place... so it's probably gonna be wild." uninterested in the conversation until now, Akaashi gets the impression that this Bokuto guy was popular.

"Oh, i might go then, it's at 8, right?"

"Yeah.. anyways are you....", the conversation went on, but Akaashi heard enough.

he obviously was not planning to go to the party. first of all, he didn't want to go. like at all. it seemed like it would be trouble and anyways he didn't even know how to properly socialize. and the guy he bumped into, Bokuto, might be mad at Akaashi, even tho he didn't seem so at the time.

So he decided to stay in his dorm, while he finished off some math equations that he didn't do in class because he was half-asleep. Akaashi then watched some Netflix, more precisely; American Horror Story, and his fear was enough to make him forget there even was a party. He fell asleep at 1am or so, but before that, he made sure to check his room for any ghosts.


Turns out, it was a good decision to stay in the comfort of his room, last Friday. It seemed that the party became a disaster, or so Akaashi heard from behind him.

„...gosh, i still can't believe that happened, you shouldn't have forced me to come."

„1. I did not force you, dude. 2. yeah, i wonder what's gonna happen to those two..."

„mhh, it's not like they brought the drugs in though. i'm pretty sure they had no knowledge until the guards actually came."

„yeah, still, it was their party, so mostly their fault, to be honest. they might get suspended"

„nah, again they didn't bring the goods in, so it'll probably be a small punishment."

„i guess you're right... anyways did you see that hot chi...", and the two behind Akaashi, yet again blabbered on, only providing actually useful information once in a while.

Akaashi laid his head on the stiff wood table, tired and simultaneously relieved, that he hadn't gone to the party. Even so, a tiny part of him wished he could have seen what had happened and perhaps known who brought the goods in. the latter, so that he knew who to avoid of course.

eh, probably some jock, he thought.

„Good morning, everyone! Hope you had a peaceful weekend. though i did hear that something happened and some students here were involved", the professor interrupted Akaashi's thoughts, eyeing some people.

"Oh well, not my problem. let's continue. open your books to page 76 and note down...", the teacher droned on. Akaashi sleepily opened his book and realized it wasn't his problem to care about Bokuto, or anyone else. All he wanted to do, was get through this year quietly and not involve himself in any problems.


705? words/unedited .. this chapter is the last 'boring' one, there will be plenty of bokuaka moments from now on. :)) 

also i'm pretty sure you can guess what show i'm watching rn

also pls vote if u like!!

bitter roommates | akaashi x bokutoOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora