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it was Akaashi's first day in his new college. he wasn't nervous or anything, he did pass the entrance exam with flying colors, as well as saving up enough cash from his short cafe job in the summer, which meant he could live comfortably without having to rely on his parents. don't misunderstand- he didn't hate his parents or anything. he just hated having to depend on anyone. which in turn, didn't make him the most popular in school- or well anywhere. Akaashi didn't mind this though- the 'loneliness', as some might call it, was peaceful and if he had his earphones with him, it was pure bliss.

now it seems like Akaashi had no problems, but there was actually one issue. his dorm, more specifically; his roommate. 

there were two possible outcomes. he either gets an annoying, loud-mouth who disturbs his precious peace, or on the other hand his roommate may turn out to be silent, undisturbing and never speak to Akaashi at all. it's probably obvious that the latter is quite impossible, but that didn't mean he couldn't dream.

 as he walks down the large halls of the university, akaashi wonders if he'll have to join a clique of some kind to avoid being targeted and fit in the large crowd. maybe he would just spend his time in the library, it was quiet and difficult to bother someone there. as he continued his thoughts of how to survive, he doesn't notice a person running at him, which was pretty surprising considering how tall this person was. akaashi collides into the person, falling back onto his back, swearing silently.

the person on the other hand, lands lightly on his feet and looks around, surprised that he ran into someone. his eyes finally meet akaashi's on the ground and grow wide. 

akaashi notices that this person's eyes were golden and becomes slightly entranced, but soon realizes theres a bigger issue at hand. everyone walking around when the accident happened, stopped and turned to stare at the two on the ground.

shit, akaashi thought. as he started to pick himself, he saw a hand suddenly appear in front of him. the hand belonged to the person he collided with, whos black and white hair stuck out prominently and eyes that spoke a silent apology.

"Sorry dude! i didn't notice you there.", the person in front of akaashi exclaimed loudly.

akaashi mutters an "its alright", and takes the strangers hand which was slightly warm and weirdly strong. he gets pulled back to his feet with incredible force. the stranger apologizes once again, bows and jogs away, as if he was in a hurry.

dissapointed by the lack of drama, everyone who was once watching the two, walk away and conversations arise again, the state before the accident recovered. akaashi releases a breath he didn't know he was holding and continues walking down the halls.

well, there goes my college debut. they probably think im some weird first-year who purposely ran into that student. well if he even was a student. akaashi thinks about the strangers tall build and remembers his strong hands. oh well, he's probably not in my year even if he does go here, people will forget about this soon enough.

Still akaashi can't get the strangers eyes out of his mind.


546 words/unedited 

bitter roommates | akaashi x bokutoWhere stories live. Discover now