He was aware. Xiao Yun had excitedly rushed to Shanghai because he actually knew in advance that the stock issued would increase in number. Since they both knew this - no perhaps this child even knew more than he did. - and the goods were in the child's hands, he really had no advantage at all.

"Tomorrow is the day of the lottery. At this point, no one will sell anymore certificates. And when the lottery is over, no one with a brain will sell the winning numbers. The price of those whiteboards that did not win in this round will also rise. At that higher price, how much liquid capital did you bring, how many winning numbers are you able to purchase, and how many whiteboards can you afford? Or do you really want to give up your first chance to win?"

One knife after another stabbed Xiao Yun's soft ribs. Xiao Yun smiled bitterly, this child really did not let pain of others go. At this time, he had already spent 200,000 on the acquisition of whiteboards, and only got less than 2,000 certificates, most of which were not even sequentially numbered. Even if he was lucky, a winning rate of 10% meant that he would have only 200 certificates. Later, if he used money to buy the winning lottery certificates, it would probably easily be sold at a speculative price of 4,000 to 5,000 yuan per piece.

After the first lottery there will be a big wave of sales of whiteboards, however after moving the old man at home he was only able to secure 2 million yuan in hand. He cannot support expenses at both ends!

These various restrictions made it necessary for him to obtain as many successful winning numbers as possible at the first lottery and also ensure that he had sufficient funds set aside to purchase the newly listed shares. Then he could use the remaining amount to continue to acquire whiteboards in order to make profits in the second and third lottery rounds ... This was no longer just a matter of mining gold, this was a mountain of swords and a sea of flames.

This realization had come too late ... With a long sigh, Xiao Yun laughed and waved away all his remorse and regained his free and easy attitude.

"If you can really get 10% of the total, we have a deal."

Chen Yuanming smiled a little, this was more than just a deal. Chen Yuanming could have earned a fortune by reselling the 600 winning lottery tickets, but he really wanted to find a safe trading partner. Thus, even if this guy's funding chain was tight he would have still done business with him. If not for this guy's family background, he really would not have gone about things this way. Since fortune had invited itself in, it was better to accept with a smile.

"Since our deal depends on tomorrow's lottery." Chen Yuanming raised his glass with a smile, "I hope I guessed right."

"I hope so too."

The two wine glasses clinked together making a melodious rippling sound.

The next day, that is on March 2, 1992, the first Shanghai stock subscription certificate lottery ceremony was held at the Shanghai Lianyi Building. A total of seven new shares were listed, and the winning rate was 10.3%.

That night, a phone call came directly to his guest room. Xiao Yun's voice quivered a little as though he was unable to bear the excitement. At this time, he held less than 120 winning ticket numbers in his hand. Without Chen Yuanming's promise he could only stare at this first market rally.

The next morning, in a guest room of the International Hotel, Chen Yuanming counted out 600 winning numbers and handed them to Xiao Yun. In return, he received a suitcase filled with 1.2 million yuan and an absolutely authentic Shanghai resident identity card that closely resembled Chen Yuanming. It appeared that Xiao Yun had spent a lot of effort. Although, this was not Chen Yuanming's own identity card but in the era of lax background checks this alternate identity was enough for him to open a stock account.

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