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Three months ago, Ma Lei moved all the dormitories of the freight drivers in his employ out of this small courtyard. Ma Lei had rebuilt a two-story single courtyard in the east of the village. This Courtyard was located closer to Zhuhai City. It was spacious and bright, and each person was assigned a single room. Everyone heartily approved of this arrangement.

Every holiday, this group of big men would visit the city and spend on entertainment, venting all the depression they had accumulated by driving long distances.

Unlike the other employees, Chen Yuanming never participated in this kind of social networking, partly because he was the youngest and did not like to talk, and partly because the goods he was running were on the second-in-command's special line.

He therefore had an invisible estrangement with the other colleagues. Although these old freight drivers were not particularly smart, they were inherently perceptive and had their own pride. Naturally, they would rarely invite him to join them on their outings.

Over time, Chen Yuanming was once again isolated from the collective.

But this "isolation" was what he wanted. He obviously had more important things to do than spending time on food, drinks and fun.

The second shipment for this month had been completed and once again, the warehouse was empty. The idle drivers went to the city to revel and the entire dormitory building was dark. Only the window on the east end of the second floor was lit. Meanwhile, sitting at his desk in the dormitory, Chen Yuanming was reading a new newspaper.

In this room, which is only a few square meters long, there was no extra furniture, no electrical appliances, and no entertainment facilities. All that could be seen were piles of newspapers.

These were all the newspapers and periodicals that could be subscribed to at the Zhuhai Post Office over the past six months. From current events to business news, all the news that Chen Yuanming needed or did not need was here. Until today ... he swiped his fingertips across a headline in the corner of the newspaper. Chen Yuanming exhaled... It was finally coming.

"Ah Ming!"

A sudden shout interrupted his thoughts, followed by an impatient knock on the door. Scarface? Chen Yuanming frowned slightly and got up to open the door.

"You really didn't go out." As soon as he entered the door, Scarface looked around the room in a probing manner, and sighed with emotion, "You don't have to save money to such a degree. Is it enough to just read the newspaper? Hello? You can also buy a few copies of Gulong and Jin Yong! Or get a TV. There's a show airing recently, its acted by Qiu Guan. It's pretty good.

"Qiang ge, is anything the matter?" Chen Yuanming asked indifferently, interrupting Scarface's unceasing flow of words. Although the man in front of him always acted frivolously, he was still the real second-in-command of this smuggling pool. It was impossible for him to be here in the middle of the night just to chat.

Scarface really felt suffocated.

He carefully looked over at the boy several times from top to bottom. When he had first met him half a year ago, the boy was as skinny as a monkey and his face was dark and mottled. He was not much better than a refugee.

Six months later, his figure had been built and strengthened by a lot. His face was completely open, his nose and eyes were clear and defined, he was full of spirit, and his appearance looked really good. But then, when the boy used his black eyeballs to stare at a person, it could make one feel a little bit oppressed. This was similar to the sense of oppression one felt when facing Scarface's elder brother. He really didn't look like a child who hadn't even grown hairs.

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