ch12 ice skating

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"you're gonna take me out?" chat noir nods, his golden hair moving in the same motion. "what? hold up, how do you know it's my birthday," y/n laughs dryly. "the only people that know are my family, my friends...and agreste,"

"i didn't know it was your birthday actually..." chat noir lies. y/n takes a steep closer to him, glaring at him.

"why are you lying?"

"i'm not! i-i mean...i'm not," he stutters, looking away. y/n sighs.

"did he tell you or not?" y/n says. "i'm not gonna be angry with him. i'll just speak to him about it at school," chat noir nods. "alright. wait, how do you know him?" chat noir's eyes went wide.

'shit! what do i say?'

"oh i er...i saved him this one time, and just keep in contact,"

"so agreste been talking about me with a superhero? why?" y/n scoffs. "did he say anything else about me?"



"nope. he didn't say anything," y/n takes another step forward, getting closer to him. her [eye color] eyes bore into his cat like eyes. chat noir feels his cheeks get hotter every second she is staring. "er...y/n?"

"you're lying. again," y/n sighs. "but that's fine. it's not my business what you two talk about even though it's about me. but warn him if you see him before monday,"

"anyway," chat noir starts trying, hoping and pleading to change the subject of the conversation. "are you ready m'lady?"

"yeah. no. i'm not going away chat,"

"what? why not?" chat noir jumps off the railings of y/n's balcony. he holds his hand out, hoping she would take it. "don't you trust me?" y/n looks into his eyes.

'why he kinda look hot right now? the fuck? no way. i'm not simping for him,'

"yeah. i do," y/n says, shocking herself and chat noir as he expected for he to say no. she takes chat noir's hand, for him to pick her up by the thighs and carry her bridal style. he jumps off the railing, over buildings. y/n closes her eyes in fear. "shit. not this again! chat! you better not drop me!" she screams into his chest.

"wouldn't dream of it,"


"what are we the skating rink?" y/n asks after unblinded her. she takes in her surroundings. the reflection of the windows, the ice on the rink making the room colder. "is this not illegal? oh my god,"

"no. it's not illegal. i asked the owner of this place if i could use it today for a special lady," chat says, winking at y/n. y/n tilts her head with a small smile and her face.

"and who is this special lady?" y/n smiles.

"you of course," y/n is taken back a little bit at chat noir's comment.

"me? what happened to ladybug?"

"i'm falling in love with someone new..." he whispers.


"i'm falling in love with someone new..."

"you are? ay! good for you chat!" y/n smiled. "can i know who they are?" [i just get the feeling that chat noir/adrien are pan. don't mind me] chat noir snickers and put a finger to his lips.

"nope," he smirks. y/n threw her hands in the air in annoyance.

"why not?"

"because," he says, sitting her down on the bench. "today is about you. not her," he walks away from her to get her some skates.

"what's your shoe size?"

"[shoe size]. so it's a her?" y/n thought aloud. "come on chat. you gotta tell me. i trust you. don't you trust me, too?"

"of course i trust you, [nickname],"

"[nickname]? don't call me that, you stupid cat,"

"why not [nickname]," he taunts. "it's cute," he said, giving her a pair of [favorite color] skates.

"oh my god," y/n whines. y/n takes the skates from him and put them on. "why did you pick skating?"

"you don't like?" chat noir asks, thinking he made a huge mistake.

"it's not that..." y/n starts as she stands up from the bench. "i just haven't done it in a long time..."

"you've skated before?" chat noir asks, obviously interested.

'she would never tell me this stuff if i was adrien. this is the exact reason why chat noir is better than adrien. i get to know more stuff about her because she willingly tells chat noir,'

"yeah. i was a huge skater before..." she says, placing her foot in the ice rink. she felt the memories of her and her family skating come back to her mind. including the memories of her mum teaching her. "school kept getting in the way so i just stopped,"

'she's lying...' chat noir thinks.

"could you give me a second, m'lady? i need to transform,"

"transform? eh," y/n says, slowly and steadily, making herself around the rink. "what you mean? you're already transformed," chat noir chuckles.

"i am but i need to transform into my ice costume,"[i dont actually know what it's called. dont even know if it has a name]

"oh. take your time, chat," to be honest, y/n isn't focused on him, anymore. she misses the ice rink. she forbide herself from going because she didn't want to be reminded of her mother. but for some reason, a certain black cat made it easier for her to come here again.

'thank you, kitty,' y/n thinks as she did ice skating tricks along the ice rink. y/n is so lost in her thoughts and skating that she didn't see chat noir come back in his ice costume. he smiles as he se the real smile on her face.

'i am falling in love with her...'


"thanks for that chat," y/n says, as chat noir put her back down on her balcony. "it was nice,"

"of course m'lady," he winks, "i'm glad you enjoyed it," he gives y/n a kiss on the corner of her lip. "bye m'lady," and with that jumps off her balcony, over buildings. y/n keeps looking out until she sees his silhouette disappear into the night.

y/n touches the corner of her lip, a ghost of a smile on them.

"stupid cat," she brings her hand down and slides open the glass door that leads her into her room. "oh god. i can't be catching feelings..." she mumbles, sliding the door close behind her.

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