Chapter 11

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Kenma's POV

I tilted my head a bit surprised at Kuroo's question. Is there a reason he would want to make videos and stuff like I did? I thought he thought it was kinda useless. Well, not useless but not a real "job". 

"Do you want to?" I asked, Kuroo leaning back a little bit.

"I don't know. Just, a thought of something to do." He said. I furrowed my brows a bit. I could tell that he wasn't asking just because he wanted to. But, he didn't look like he wanted to share why he was asking.

"Well, if you wanted to, I guess you could. I'm sure there's enough people who'd like to follow, but, what kind of videos would you even make?"

"I don't know.." 

"..Well, if you want to Kuroo, I'll support you in it." I said with a faint smile, Kuroo nodding with a sigh. We spent a while longer sitting here before heading back to my place. Once we were back, I let Butterscotch run off while I cleaned out his little bag and put it up. While I was hanging the bag up, Kuroo walked up behind me and picked me up.

He smiled and pressed a kiss to my cheek while taking me over to my bed. I looked up at him quietly as he laid me down first before climbing overtop of me. He leaned down, kissing me and moving so his forearms were support his weight. 

I knew what Kuroo wanted. He and I talked about sleeping together. We figured that if we were soulmates and we loved each other, why not give our alls to each other. But, I was hesitant. Not because I was scared of doing it with Kuroo, but because I was just kinda scared of doing it in general. So Kuroo held off on it until I said it was fine. 


"Yes kitten?"

"...Do.. You want to?"

"Do you want to?"

"Mhm." I muttered with a blush. Kuroo looked excited, giving me another kiss. We haven't even done anything yet, and I could already tell he wasn't gonna hold back anything. 

Few Hours Later: Kuroo's POV

I yawned, holding Kenma close while he slept. We had gone at least 2 rounds, and I think that was more than enough for Kenma's first time. It was my first time too, but, I think it was a bit more physically taxing on Kenma than it was me. 

It was fucking amazing though, that's for sure. Kenma shifted slightly in his sleep, his hair falling in his face. I tucked the hair behind his ear with a small sigh. I wasn't sure what to do. I could technically try and do what he does for work. But I don't think I have the personality or anything to even really make anything.

And it isn't like I could start a legitimate business since that would definitely require doing the cutoff. It didn't help my boss emailed us all and requested us to get checkups. We don't need them, we all already have done our medicals and physicals before even getting hired. Yet I had to go get one.

I shook my head slightly to myself while cuddling Kenma. Well. Maybe it won't matter. I love him. And we were meant to be together anyway, So that's what we would do. But Kenma was worried since apparently one of his friends had to go get the cutoff, so, we'll see if it affects them or not.

Few Days Time Skip: Kenma's POV

I waited patiently for Kuroo to finish getting ready. I wanted to go visit Shoyo to see how he was doing... He and Kageyama had to go and do the cutoff only about a day ago, and I wanted to know if they were the same at all. I can't really imagine them as anything else. Even as soulmates, they irritated each other and fought a lot, but between the fights, there were so many "I love you's". 

Once Kuroo was ready, I picked Butterscotch up to give his little head a kiss goodbye before heading out. Kuroo held my hand as we got to his apartment and I knocked. After a couple minutes, the door flung open.

"Hi Kenma! Oh- who's this???" Shoyo asked with a smile as he dragged us both inside. I blinked a few times, swearing I had introduced him before. Or at least shown him a picture. But maybe he forgot.

"This is Kuroo."

"Oh, hi Kuroo!"

"How are you doing, Shoyo?"

"Huh? I'm doing fine?"

"I mean, you and Kageyama." I asked, furrowing my brows when Hinata rolled his eyes and waved his hand dismissively.

"Ohhhh. Pft, things have been a lot better without him." He said with a smile. I widened my eyes a little bit. 

"..What? I thought you two loved each other. You were engaged to him..?"

"Yeah, cause we thought we had to. That soulmate thing got in the way of me truly realizing how big of a meanie he is. So! Now I can pick who I want." Hinata said with a smile. I looked up at Kuroo who looked a bit upset.

"Shoyo, can I talk to you privately?"

"Sure! Kuroo, you can make yourself comfortable." He said, taking me to the kitchen while Kuroo sat down. Once we were alone, I sighed gently.

"Shoyo, do you really believe you never loved Kageyama??"

"Yeahhhh. I mean come on. He's such a draggggg! Speaking of, have you and Kuroo made an appointment yet?"

"...Kuroo's work wants us to go do it this week.. But we don't want to do it." 

"You should! Remember you were telling me how worried you were since you guys have no same interests?"


"Well, poof! Problem is solved now. Besides, all your connection to Kuroo does is keep you tied down." Hinata said a bit seriously. I wasn't sure what to think of this...

There's no way Hinata's telling the truth. Yes, he and Kageyama bothered each other, but it was clear they loved each other. They were meant for each other, soulmates or not. Something was wrong.

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