The other girls known as Rebecca, Dani, and Gabby introduced themselves to Haven. She didn't seem to care. She sat there, listening to them introduce themselves before Alice brought the attention directly on her. But Haven still felt out of place with Khai glancing at her occasionally.

"Why don't you introduce yourself and tell us why you're here." Alice said to Haven, causing all the girls to turn to her.

"You know why I am. I don't see why I need to explain myself." Haven said bluntly, shrugging her shoulders. A few of the girls snickered, glancing at Alice who just sat there unamused.

"But no one else knows why your here." Alice told her, leaning back in her chair.

Haven huffed, rolling her eyes. "My name is Haven. I'm sixteen, almost seventeen, and I've been to juvie seven times as well at six foster homes. I'm in for running away and I stole a sandwich. I don't belong here."

"Anyone else feel like they don't belong here?" Alice asked after a few moments, glancing at each of the other girls.

Haven looked down at her lap, twiddling with her thumbs while thinking of the one person who couldn't escape her head. Derek. She hoped he was okay and not being the power hungry Alpha he promised he wouldn't be for her. But little did she know.


"Why are you here?" Derek asked as Scott walked inside the abandoned train station he was staying at. He couldn't go back to the Hale house after the night Kate attacked and he killed Peter.

"I found something in Haven's room this morning. I figured it must've came from you seeing as you two... you know." Scott said awkwardly, handing him the necklace with the triskele charm Derek gifted her.

Derek grabbed the necklace, a frown resting upon his face as he held onto it. He gave her the necklace so she always had a piece of him when they weren't together. She told him no matter what she would never take it off. Maybe it was just another stupid promise she made to make him feel better.

"She's coming back, Derek." Scott broke the silence, hoping to reassure him. He may be stupid but he isn't blind. It didn't take an expert to see Derek's attachment and care for Haven.

"I'm not going to sit here and talk about Haven. At least not with you." Derek told him, giving him a glare as he stood up from where he was sitting. "What we have... had, is over and none of your business."

Scott sighed, "I'm just trying to help. And I know where exactly she is if you want to know."

"Is she safe?" He asked. He needed to know if she was safe. Not knowing exactly how she is killed him. He needed to calm his mind.

"From what her social worker told my mom, the group home she's in is a safe place for her but I really don't know." Scott told him truthfully, shoving his hands into the pockets of his jeans.

"Where is she?"

"I know the name of the place and that it's in Beacon Hills, at least ten minutes away. I just don't know the address but I'm sure you can figure it out."


"Everything done in here?" Gabby asked as she stepped into the kitchen where Haven, Khai, and Rebecca were doing their assigned jobs.

"Yeah, we just need to take the trash out then we're good." Khai answered as she finished wiping down the counter tops.

Rebecca snickered, looking Haven up and down with a mean smirk. "I'm looking at the trash."

Haven glared at the girl but she knew better than to say anything. If she wanted to get out of here as fast as possible, she had to lay low and not get into any altercations with any of the girls here. She knew she needed to push herself if she wanted to be back with Derek as soon as possible.

"Enough, cut the new girl a break." Khai snapped at Rebecca before turning to look at Haven who kept her head down. "C'mon I'll help you."

Haven glared at Rebecca one last time before carrying out one of the two trash bags. She followed Khai out to the side of the house where the garbage cans were. They tossed the bags into one of the bins up against the fence, neither of them saying a word.

The two of them were unaware of Derek watching them from across the street while parked in his car. His wolf growled when his eyes landed on Haven, finally getting the chance to see her. He wanted so badly to run over to her and hold onto her. The primal instinct to touch her, having her be in his embrace, and to hear her voice was quite unbearable. She was standing right there. He needed to feel her body against his. He focused his hearing on her and the girl in front of her, listening to their conversation.

"You remember me right?" Khai suddenly asked, turning to look at Haven. "From that one time in juvie?"

"How could I forget the girl who assaulted me? You wanna take another crack at my face?" Haven taunted, crossing her arms over her chest as she stood her ground. Derek released a low protective growl, thinking she wasn't as safe as he first thought.

Khai let out a breath, shaking her head as she looked down in shame, "Look, I'm sorry for what I did to you. Truly. I've been doing really good here and I just want to be civil with you." She told Haven sincerely. "So we straight?"

"No, we're not straight. I just wanna keep my head down so I can get the hell out of here." Haven said, her arms crossing over her chest as she stood there with a blank look on her face.

"Listen, the girls here... we get to decide if you get your privileges or not. So don't give anyone here a reason to have it out for you. You open up in group and do what you're supposed to do here, then no one will bother you." Khai explained to her, hoping she would take the advice seriously. "You're not just here for nothing."

Haven gave a small nod, looking down as Khai went back into the house. She sighed, thinking about the advice given to her. She felt so conflicted and wished she didn't have to be dealing with this. But there was nothing else she could do.

When she looked up, she saw a familiar black Camaro sitting parked on the side of the street. Her heart raced with anticipation, having a strong feeling in her that it was definitely Derek. The smallest of smiles crossed on her face. She knew it was him. Something in her just knew it was him.

A strong urge and need to be close in his proximity filled her. She needed to touch him, to feel in his arms around her. She craved the feeling of his lips leave gentle kisses along her forehead to make her feel at home. But she ignored that urged and willed her feet to stay put as her eyes remained locked on the black Camaro. There was only thing she needed to do. Not only for the two of them, but for her.

She turned around and disappeared into the house, trying to calm the quickened heart in her chest walls. She blinked away the burning tears in her eyes while she quietly made her way to her room for the night.


yall i just got THE BEST idea for later on in the story and i'm so excited for you all to see what i have planned. what do you think will happen? are we gonna see derek and haven reunite???

be sure to vote and comment for the next chapter :) Xx

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