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I woke up to the loud sound of a car horn I looked to the side to see Kairi bleeding out and my car parked in a parking lot

"KAIRI!" I shook him making sure he was still alive I felt his chest to see that his heart beat was slowly getting slowly and beginning to decrease

I looked out to see Kairi had made it to a parking lot of a hospital I immediately got out the car and picked up Kairi holding him Princess style and running into the hospital

"HELP! I NEED HELP!" I watched as nurses swarmed us and one nurse began to bring out wheel chair bed "What happened to him?" I paused and looked at the nurse "I..I don't know..."

One nurse pushed me to the side and walked me to a near by office she sat me down and handed me a piece of paper

"I need to know more of you, I can't let you know know more information or enter that boys room without proper contact information" I slammed my hand on the paper "IS HE OKAY! I DONT GIVE A FUCK ABOUT PAPER WORK"

"Mr please calm down this is a obligation please go outside and fill out the paperwork" I immediately rolled my eyes speeding thru the paper work when I turned I watched as the nurse gasped

"Sir, ARE YOU AWARE THAT THE BACK OF YOUR HEAD IS BLEEDING" I paused touching the back of my head and watching as my finger tips turned a bright red I paused and looked at the nurse

"I need assistance.." she immediately called over another nurse taking me into a wheelchair and to a hospital room with a doctor looking at me and immediately inspecting the back of my head

"Would you like to explain to me what has happened to you.. as I begin this process" I sighed and placed my hand on my face "I don't fucking know.. I took my boyfriend to his parents house.. I argued a bit with his parents...well they argued with me and it's all blank from there.."

I watched as another nurse came in whispering in the doctors ear he nodded
"Okay.. understood"

The doctor paused and continued to look at my head he sighed "You just need 2 stitches your head.. would you like to do this awake.."

"Do it now! I need to see Kairi.." the doctor nodded leaving the room and coming back with the utensils needed

I began to fidget with my fingers of what may have been happening to Kairi but I was scared of what happened to Kairi, I didn't even know what happened to me..

I'm always aware.. this couldn't have happened.. the love of my life is bleeding probably to death and I don't even know why..

Was he stabbed,shot, maybe he just got hurt.. but that doesn't explain my head injury

I didn't even care about the stitches and we're going to my head.. even though it hurt like hell the only thing I had in my thoughts was Kairi

Everything I've done with Kairi meant
a lot to me.. Kairi himself means so much to me.. I need him to be okay

I closed my eyes and just let the bad thoughts flow thru my body I couldn't even feel the pain anymore.. all I wanted was Kairi

As the doctor snipped the last did the nurse came in and handed me a room key I paused and looked "His..his room what's his room number"

"C- 30" I immediately opened the door and ran over to the elevator seeing that I was in the first floor and Kairi had been 2 levels above me

I ran around the rooms the numbers going around

C-19 C-23 C-7

I was going crazy I couldn't find room C-30 I groaned as I walked up to a nurses station and slammed the key down "Where is room C-30?!" The nurses jumped "Sir you can't be in here this is staff only"

"WHERE IS ROOM C-30!?" The woman looked at me breathing heavily in fear "Down the hall go right then left room C-30 will be straight ahead"

I ran out the room following the immediate directions I used the key to open the door and saw Kairi in his bed a oxygen mask on his face his eyes closed and his heart rate on the monitor

I slowly walked over to Kairi and put my hand on his I sighed letting tears form in my face... I haven't actually cried in years

Kairi's breathing was light a nurse came in and looked at me "Are you the boyfriend?" I nodded she handed me papers and a blanket with a pillow

"Kairi Polibio correct?" I sighed and shook my head "No Cosentino, Polibio is my last name" She nodded "My mistake.. Kairi is fine.. as we can tell it was a knife wound it didn't go too deep but it may have hit a nerve we aren't positive yet"

I put my hand on her shoulder and sighed "Ma'am when will he wake up.." she smiled "Well I'm not a genius but" she pointed towards Kairi and I saw as Kairi slowly seemed to regain consciousness and breathing improving

He opened his eyes slightly and slowly and the first thing his eyes
laid on...was me

I smiled and put my hand on his cheek my tears falling onto his shirt

"Mattia correct?" I nodded keeping my eyes on Kairi "Kairi just needs to have some rest maybe 1 or 2 days before he can leave" I nodded "Kai you have to explain to me everything that happened" Kairi sighed "Alright.."

𝑬𝒙𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒆; 𝑴𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒊Where stories live. Discover now