Chapter 7

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Third POV

Percy dashed at the demon with his sword wound back. With a single slash Percy had bisected the thing at the waist. It's top half flew into the air and Lady shot it in the head for good measure. Percy knew this was over though. I was never this easy. This was proven correct when Percy jumped up to dodge three more tentacles. Lady herself had to dodge two more. All around the two, demons just like the first one started coming out of the trees with gurgled screams. Percy smiled.

"Finally! Something to kill!" He yelled excitedly and started hacking and slashing demons apart. Lady pulled out another gun and started blasting demon's heads off. The two worked surprisingly well together.  Lady shot in sporadic patterns which kept the demons from getting used to her line of fire and dodging and matched Percy's random movements as he sliced through the dregs of hell like they were hot butter. He'd also occasionally dash in to kill any demons that got passed Lady's bullets. It took a few minutes, but Percy and Lady had managed to kill all the demons that had come at them. Lady didn't even have to resort to using her rocket launcher.

"Whew. That was some grade A fun." Percy said with a large smile. "Oh yea, nothing like near death experiences to get your blood pumping." Lady said sarcastically. "Oh lighten up. There's most likely gonna be much more where that came from." The nephilim said. "Now let's go. We got shit to do and demons to kill." He said. Lady nodded and reloaded her guns. The two continued walking through the forest. Occasionally killing any demons that came their way.

"So, we don't exactly know much about each other." Lady said. Percy looked at her with an amused expression. "Are you trying to make small talk?" He laughed. "No. It's quiet and I made an observation." Percy made a 'mmmhm' face, but decided to play along. "We don't, but that's cool. I like a mystery." Percy said. "You've had your dick in me and then proceeded I drop your kids off at my entrance like a fire house." Percy looked at her. "What? Why a firehouse?" He asked. "You don't get it? A parent will drop their kid off on the porch and run while the firemen don't know until they open the door. Like you. You fucked me into unconsciousness, came on my pussy and when I woke up you were gone."

Percy couldn't help it and burst out laughing. Lady pouted, but started laughing too. They had paused their walking in favor to laugh their asses off. After two minutes of laughing, one of coughing and three of catching their breath the two finally calmed down.

"That was the stupidest shit I've ever heard. Funny, but stupid." Percy said. "Hey, speaking of us fucking your could've told me cum got all wonky when water touches it. I spent like five minutes trying to get that shit off of me." Percy chuckled again. "Oh come on. Don't tell me you were a actual virgin before I came along." Lady nodded and Percy scoffed. "Seriously! My only partner was my knife handle." She said. "You were an eighteen year old virgin?" He asked. "Uh, yea. I'm not a whore. Unlike you." She said. "Hey! I'm not a whore. I'm adventurous." He said.

"That's exactly what a whore would say. Wait a minute, I just realized something." She said. "What?" Percy asked. "Have you ever fucked someone you're age? Like everyone you're interested in is way older." Lady said. "Well, that's easy. No I haven't and for multiple reasons. What fourteen year old is thinking about sex? All they care about is Nancy Drew and Judy Blume." He waved dismissively. "Who the fuck is that?" Lady asked. "Who?" Percy replied. "Judy Blume. I always hear her name, but I have no idea who it is." Percy gained a thoughtful look. "You know what. You're right. Who is Judy Blume." Percy took out his phone and looked her up.

"Ohh, she's a writer." He said. "Really?" Lady asked and Percy nodded. "She writes for all ages apparently." Lady looked at his phone. "Huh. That was oddly anticlimactic. She was always so famous yet she's just an author." Lady said and Percy agreed. "Aren't we supposed to be demon hunting?" He asked. "Oh yea. Come on." Lady said taking the lead this time. Percy got up and started following her. Thanks to their unintentional rest the two moved much faster. They reached the hell gate much faster.

When they got there they saw a giant demon made of rocks and plants fused together using it as a throne. Percy raised an eyebrow in confusion. Lady, who was trying to hide looked at him.

"What is it?" She asked. "Is he trying to act like it's actually a throne? Like, does he not want people to know it's a hell gate? Or is he just that lazy?" He asked. "Maybe he has a god complex." Lady offered. "Huh. That could be it. Anyway, I'll go in and confront him and you stay here. If he sends any goons take'em out with ya guns." Percy said. "Wait, why don't I go with you?" She asked. "He's made of rock. Which is gonna affect him more. Mortal bullets or demonic strength?" Lady was quiet before huffing in acceptance. "Exactly." He said and walked out.

"Heyo! Mister plant demon man!" Percy yelled up at the demon. Said being looked down. His neck creaking and grinding together. "A human." The demon hummed. "What's up? I'm Percy. You?" The half being said sitting on a rock. "I am Groot."


Damnit stop that! Take 2. Action!

"I am Alcipeus." Percy looked at the demon. "Al-what the fuck? What kinda name is that?" The demigod asked. "You know what, nope. Don't answer that. Never mind." He sighed. "Anyway, you can't be here my guy." Percy said. "Oh?" Alcipeus questioned. "Nope. I don't know if you took a wrong turn or something, but you gotta go back to hell. Either that or I force you back to hell." Percy said pulling out Alastor. "So, you bested that arrogant blade? This proves nothing of your strength. If you truly want me to consider you a threat, come. Try your luck." Percy sighed. "You asked for it."

Is Alcipeus an actual name? I don't know. I just threw a few letters together. I don't even know how to pronounce this honestly.

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