Naruto POV

"Well, you three sure are a combination, I'd say. If you three got enough training, I'm sure you can put the Ino-Shika-cho team to shame." Kakashi-nii said.

I smiled tiredly as I gave my chakra to my teammates, who were on the verge of extinction. They both wouldn't have made it another step had I not given them chakra.

"You, I'd say, pass! Meet me- huh?" The words blurred as a stabbing pain found it's way into my arm and vision failed. I held the arm and tried not to pass out.  The pain had me on my knees by now.

"You two," The voice I could make out as Kakashi called to Sasuke and Sakura, "Dismissed, meet me at the hokage tower at 7 tomorrow." 

"Hai/Hn." I heard through my dulled hearing. Something caught my shoulders and held me straight.

"Now, what happened, Naruto? I thought you could handle more than this." Kakashi asked. My head was bowed, and my shoulders rose and fell with my labored breathes.

"J-ji-Chan, t-too many m-missions..." I managed to choke out. "What is it with Hokage-sama, he's giving you too may missions... while on your super-long mission..." Kakashi said.

"I wonder if- Naruto, are you in pain?" He asked as the stabbing pain increased. I scrunched up my face in the agony that followed.

"Oy, we should get you to-Naruto!" Was all I heard before all went black.

Sasuke POV

I had just stared running when a loud, "SASUKE!" Resounded through the training ground. I stopped my sprint and turned around. Why is Kakashi, of all people, yelling? 

I ran back to the clearing where we were, I don't think Sakura heard because she kept running. Still, how could she NOT have heard? That was definitely Kakashi's voice, and it was loud. I thought.

When I reached the clearing, I looked to where they were. Kakashi was on one knee holding, to my unnoticeable fright (Yes, I think I'll  keep my dignity of being an Uchiha), an unconcious and deathly pale Naruto. It was almost as if he had been painted white. I ran over when I saw (my sight was that good) the tips of his nimble fingers turn a sickly blue.

"Sasuke, I want you to go get some firewood. I need a fire, immediately." I didn't hesitate. I did one thing that I had been practicing, the usual leaf teleportation, and again, as in my training, I banged into a tree. The pain didn't distract me as I had more important things to worry about. Quickly, I gathered the most firewood I could and ran back (I didn't shunshin because I thought I might bang into Naruto, and that isn't good) to the 2.

Third POV

Sasuke ran back with the firewood he had managed to collect. 

"Fire style: Fireball Jutsu!" He yelled in his hurry to start a fire. Kakashi lay Naruto on his back, then disappeared to get some blankets from home. When he was back, he first unzipped Naruto's jacket so he could give him a pillow. 

"Sasuke, I want you to stay here for the night." Sasuke's eyes widened at the request. 

Stay here, with Kakashi and Naruto? You have the privelage to sleep in a luxurious bed in the Uchiha Compound. The bad side (the side he had inherited from his oh-so-stuck-up father) of him said.

Naruto is your brother now. Whatever he did before, beating you or whatever the hell it was, it was to protect you. You should give up comfort for your teammate. The good side of him (The side he had inherited from Mikoto, the Uchiha Matriarch) Said. Sasuke, to be honest, agreed with his good side.

Sasuke POV (again)

"Kakashi, sit." I said. Seriously, there is only so much you can do for a person. He's been pacing since the sun started to set. "And here I thought you were civilized, but you don't even call me sensei... what am I talking, Naruto's dying here and I'm sad that only 1 student of mine isn't even calling me 'sensei'..."

"You can't blame yourself for whatever happened to him. What happened anyway?" I asked. Why was he deathly pale, and why was he freezing?

"I'm sure he encountered a person with the Ice-style. They can freeze you whenever they want, as long as you're there." Kakashi said, then went back to pacing.

"Why was he encountering an Ice-style user? Isn't that a job for an ANBU?" i asked. Slowly, I was trying to uncover Naruto's secrets, but it looked like Kakashi wouldn't give in.

Third POV

"Lord Third wanted him to do it, but I don't understand why. A fresh genin," Kakashi purposely covered up the fact that Naruto was an ANBU, "Deceased parents, just started his real life, WHAT was Lord third thinking? And I can only do so much for him, oh... I'm the worst brother ever-"

The faintest of noises interrupted Kakashi's rant. Both sets of open eyes widened as they saw the source. 

Naruto had woken up.

(A/N: I'm laughing and crying at the same time. I'm laughing to see your frustrated faces after that awesome cliffhanger, and then crying because I can't get the next chapter ready in time, and I've been writing this crap for about 2 and a half hours. So sorry, and I'll get the next chapter ready ASAP!)

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