He had to shake his head to shake off his shock "What did you just say?" he questioned.

"You can stop detecting now" she repeated.

"No, the thing about falling in love with me" he said.

She turned to him with an all too innocent smile "What about it?" she asked.

"Well.." he paused "First of, it's a hell of a way to tell me you love for the first time. And second...we're not even together" he reasoned.

"We don't have to be together for me to know that I love you" she said.

He gawked at her, unsure of what to say.

"You don't have to say anything. I just think that's been left unsaid for too long. I want you to know that even after all that, I still care about you. A lot" she admitted.


"I know" she said, smiling to him "I'm just tired of denying it. We keep finding ourselves in the same holding pattern over and over again. For once I want to be the one to make you speechless. So I'll say it again, I love you. I have since we first started dating and honestly...I think I always will. Even if your heart does belong to someone else" she said, then squeezed his knee and stood up about to head back inside.

He stood up, his drink long forgotten and grabbed her hand, stopping her "What's that suppose to mean?" he questioned.

She gave him a pointed look "I know all about your ex fiance. Trust me, I know when something doesn't belong to me" she said.

"Based on what?" he questioned.

"Based on the fact that you love your job. You don't just break the rules for anyone, Javi" she gave him an assuring smile "I'm already over it. Right now, I'm perfectly content with just me" she said, then turned to leave again.

He stopped her again, turning her to face him. There was a brief moment of hesitation before he captured her lips in a gentle kiss. It only lasted for a moment before he pulled away. She looked shocked. Just as she tried to speak, he interrupted her.

"You're right. I don't break the rules for just anyone. But I don't feel that way for her anymore. I mean, sure, I was a little confused and seeing her again brought back memories. But chica..I haven't thought about her in years. The moment I knew who she really was, I lost trust in her. Everything she ever stood for, everything we built, was based on a lie. But with you..." he paused, gently caressing her cheek "I've never felt this way for anyone" he admitted "You're always in the back of my mind, keeping me company. You're the voice of reason, the calm to help tamper down the storm in my head. It's just you. It's always been you" he said.

There was a brief moment of silence as he looked her in the eyes with adoration and love.

"I love you too" he admitted.

Her breath hitched in her throat and he couldn't help but smile. For awhile, they stood in stunned silence. But Lanie soon mirrored his smile.

"Took you long enough" she managed to say before capturing his lips into a hungry kiss.

He made a little sound of surprise, but easily kissed her back, pulling her closely against him as his free hand laced through her hair. He moaned into her mouth as she deepened the kiss.

"I missed you" he panted against her lips.

She hummed "I missed you too" she muttered quietly, as she broke a way for air, panting from the lack of oxygen.

He smiled then kissed her again.

She was lost in him. Letting herself savor the moment to commit it to memory. But the sound of cheering from inside the house brought her back to reality and she had to force herself to stop before they went any further. Especially when he started to kiss her neck.

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