''You see-," We both said in unison. I looked at him annoyingly. "STOP SAYING THE SAME THING AS ME!" We said, simultaneously.

"Wow... Okay, it's too early!" Logan stopped us, with a puzzled look on his face.

"Well, that's just too bad!" Lou and I said at the same time, only this time we both erupted into laughter.

"Yep! First, they argue, and then they laugh. What confusing sibling I have," Logan said to himself. Logan was older, so you could say he was a little bit, just a tiny bit more mature than us, Nah scratch that, he ain't.

"Don't you have somewhere to be?" I asked the other annoying brother.

"College can wait," he spoke, smoothly.

"Pretty sure you won't be let into the class if you are late," It doesn't take being a genius to figure that one out.

"Alright, mother!" He groaned as he got his bag off the counter.

"Besides you are older than me, you are supposed to be the responsible one," I said, once we had cleaned up the mess he had made. He shrugged.

I went to use the bathroom that Louis had been hogging for the last fucking hour; Am I the only one who has to deal with this shit every morning? I washed my face and brushed my teeth, applying light make-up on afterward.

I waited for Lou beside the front door as we shared a car, well not technically, I know how to drive (According to Louis, and I quote 'You can't drive for shit,' but what does he know?) but I'm under age meaning I'm not supposed to. Mum and dad only bought one care for us instead of two. Logan had his own. They said we could share it, once again the 'sharing is caring' shit. Once I'm older I could use it, little did they know I already do, oops I did it again...

Before I left, as in before I sprang out the door and into the car, my mom walked up to me. Well, this is going to be a lecture for sure.

"So, are you excited?" She said, showing off her white, perfectly aligned teeth. No?

"Mum," I rolled my eyes. "It's school." What kind of psychopath would be excited to go to school? 

He finally arrived. About time, why didn't he take another hour? I ran outside, yelled "Bye!" and swiftly jumped into the car. I put on the seatbelt and waited for him to enter but he doesn't. Instead, he walked up to my window and tapped on it. I rolled my eyes and sighed, rolling it down.

"What?" I snapped.

"I was going to drive today!" Does he have to fight me on everything?

"What a pity," I reply coldly. Don't judge me, I'm cranky in the morning, not that I will ever admit that. But hell, who am I kidding!? I'm always cranky, deal with it.

"I AM driving!!" He yelled.

"Dial it down a bit, Lou! Do you want to wake up the whole neighborhood? And for the record who is sitting in the driver's seat? Oh, that's right, me!!" I replied sassily. He decided to shut up, thank god, but not for long.

"You can't drive yet, remember? Next year is when you take your driver's test! If you get caught driving without, the license you'll..." Don't you get all police with me? Since when is he interested in the law?

"That has never stopped be before..." I began, shrugging

"Well yeah but it's still illegal," He said, as he shook his head. Killing people is illegal but it still happens. Then again some people are only alive because it's illegal to kill them. I sighed and moved to the other seat; he got inside the car and smirked. Ugh! I hate when he's right.

"Oh, and I need the car after school because I heard there are going to be football tryouts, and I'm trying out obviously. So you'll have to walk, what a shame," he speaks again, smirking.

"What!? I'm not walking! I wouldn't be complaining if it wasn't far, but it is literally at least an hour walk, You're so annoying!" Who the hell does he think he is? President Obama?

"I'm annoying? Says the girl who swears in every sentence," he said, as he kept his eyes dead on the road.

"Come on! I'm not fucking walking, you can forget it," I swear on purpose that time, just to annoy him.

"FINE, THEN TAKE THE FUCKING BUS!" He yelled, mocking me.

"Fine, shut up, I'm tired," I gave in.

"Wait, really?" He asked, while rolling his eyes but still amused.

"I'll just wait for you to finish, dick," I blurted out. You know what the problem was with my mouth and mind? Is that sometimes I say things too fast and the words don't pass through my brain. Have you ever had that feeling where it's like you want to throw your brother off a cliff, and then rush to the bottom to catch him? Yeah, well that happens to be every time I'm with him.

"So..." I began. I hated the car being so quiet. "Why did you spend one whole hour in the bathroom?" I asked my brother.

"I want to make an impression, unlike someone," He replied. He's practically saying I'm horribly dressed, how lovely. I just love my brother... NOT.

"I don't need to put in effort, I woke up like this," I joked, playing with my hair to emphasis my point. 

"That's not a compliment," Louis said, laughing. Instead of slapping Louis' smirk off of his face, I crossed my arms over my chest, huffed and bit my tongue as hard as I could.


S'up readers :PPPPPPPPP 

Please vote :)) as it only takes a second and makes me smile xD

I was 'forced' to write this by my lovely friend, so as you can tell it's kinda crappy. 

UPDATE: Btw please bear with me the first 5 or so chapters are horrible but trust me my writing gets soooo much better as we go along so please don't give up on me just yet.

Let me know what you think in the comments section below! Cya on the next chapter x

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