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Aella looked at it as Silva continued to speak, "Liliana was a mind fairy, like you. But she was very different from her classmates. Liliana, she came from a long line of witches and fairies, your grandmother - Toussaint Diaval - was a very powerful witch."

"Witch- what kind of witch?"

"Blood witches. But her power didn't pass down to Liliana, or so we thought. Randolph Diaval, another mind fairy, your grandfather he was." Silva took a pause in the story, his eyes communicating with Dowling's, "Toussaint died in a fire, in a place called Aster Dell. Her village- your mothers village -had been attacked by burned ones. No one knows what happened to Randolph."

"Where am I in this story?" Aella questioned, her eyes stuck to Riven's and hers hands.

Silva took a deep breath, "you were just a baby then. We had you soon after we married, but Liliana, she lost her mind. We found the witch in her soon after. She went crazy, as did her magic. She said that she began to have visions, said it was you in the future. She was against you, Aella, she didn't trust you."

"Why is that?" Riven asked, almost out of his seat.

"You see, the thing about Liliana's family and their magic is that when they are with child - a girl -, their magic normally gets passed on to that child. Now, imagine a whole line of your ancestors magic being passed down to you, Liliana didn't even trust herself with that magic, much less you."

"That was when she gained a pass over. The first fairy of her line and all that magic led to something never been done before. A fairy with the ability to reflect their magic onto any being possible." Dowling continued, giving Silva a chance to regain himself.

Dowling came more slow with the story, "now, the thing about a pass over is that no one knows what it is. The first wave is out of control, normally caused by a negative emotion."

"We were the audience to your mothers pass over," Harvey stated, "we felt every bit of her power being passed onto us. Our ears were bleeding, we thought it would never end."

"And then, the worst part happened."

Aella's eyes widened, her head shooting up, "really? That wasn't the worst part? What could be worst than that?"

"She gained control."

Silva started up again, "a pass over- though powerful -is simple to control. After the first hit, we learned that it was almost instinctive. Your mother, Liliana, she used it on anyone that tried to hurt her."

"Nothing could stop her. We have weapons - restraints - that can harness a fairies abilities if needed-"

"Beatrix," Aella muttered, her voice almost impossible to hear.

"The dog collar," Riven realized.

They didn't stop to explain, "nothing worked on Liliana. She was practically impossible to stop."

Soon enough, the story got too hard for Dowling and Silva to tell, Harvey now taking over, "until she had you. Liliana was weak, her magic was weak. They took her as soon as you were born, they wished to take you too. Now, what you need to understand is that you were not originally named Aella, you were named Juliane."

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