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 “Can we pretend that airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars..? I could really use a wish right now...” One of the girls in my class said, reciting a song by B.O.B for some strange, random reason. Or maybe it wasn’t random, as she was ordered to come back after school to redo a test she had failed. Hmmm, her fault I guess.

      Hey, I’m Evangeline by the way. Yes, I realise I've only just passed the 'young adult' title, but like come on. Who doesn’t want to write about their “Mission Impossibles”? 

      Ahh, good memories of those words. Used to always say them after reading fantastic books with my best friend Alexis, and Connie. That was only a month ago. Which in such a small space of time, a hell of a lot has happened.

We both got IN! (Alex and I) It was our dream; but we were never sure if it would ever come true... 

     Well, I’m going to write about all the strange, mysterious, sad, fascinating, extremely-dangerously-funny and smart times that I’ve had. This is my report of my ‘normal’, past life.


           So like any normal child, I started primary school, and then ended up in secondary school; or high school as some people like to call it. That’s where all the fun began; where I met a whole load of people with different personalities and opinions. From kind and fascinating, to followers and judgmental bitches. I was like ‘what the hell man?’. Some of these girls and I had total personality clashes. See, I’m a very open-minded, daring person - among other things too... obviously - but when a girl just judges another girl on the fact that she draws things to do with what she dislikes... Well, you’ve definitely over stepped the mark. I mean, who are you do criticize a person just on the simple, yet small observation you have made, that she draws a teacher she doesn’t like, as well as the people around her?

Let me tell you, i know a lot about this girl; and do you wanna know why? Take wild guess my friend...

         Because she is my friend. Was then, and still is now. I know exactly what she went through - or nearly - because I went through something similar. With that in mind I decided to become a nicer person, and help/support those who wanted my assistance. They may not have necessarily wanted my advice, but I was there non the less to listen to whatever they had to say.

            I know this may sound a bit, - I don’t know - as if I’m full of myself, but I‘m really not. It’s not that I like to think of myself as a trustworthy, caring, fun person. It’s the fact that I am one. I have been told, and I know. I try my best, at all times to be the best friend someone can have; but this hasn’t always worked out for me.


                                           Oh, and did I mention I go to an all girls school?!

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