The Prievew Ya'll Asked For!!!

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Jörvintir: This is not how this was supposed to go.

J'onn: Stop complaining.

Jörvintir: It literally reeks.

J'onn: What did I just say?

Jörvintir: And what did I just say? We need to take this thing out and fast.

After trudging in ankle deep...discharge? Whatever the hell it was, the smell was absolutely horrid.

Jörvintir: Remind me again why you decided to bring me along?

J'onn: I brought you because you have a really good handle on your abilities and you're not a complete liability.

I wasn't sure how to take that. A troubled expression settled on my face.

J'onn: It was a complement, Jörvintir.

I huffed as I stepped in a particularly deeper puddle of...sludge?

Jörvintir: Oh. I see.

J'onn nodded in approval. He had been teaching me the ins and outs of how things worked here on earth. When you received a compliment, it was customary to thank them, and sometimes even give them one in return.

J'onn:Though, now that we can converse away from prying eyes and ears, tell me...why is it that you refuse to cooperate with anyone that isn't me.

I shrugged as if it was the most simple answer known to man.

Jörvintir: As of right now, you are the only person I can truly tolerate. That is also why I am having you mentor me. To be better. To be more sociable, I suppose.

He nodded as this seemed to quell his curiosity.

J'onn: I sense you're sick of walking in this stuff, so let's get this over with. I have a plan, do you trust me?

I answered immediately.

Jörvintir: Yes. Of course.

He nodded.

J'onn: Okay then here's my plan...

Jörvintir: This plan is stupid.

I muttered to myself. You see, the directors genius plan was to use me to draw this beast out into the open, using me as bait. Freaking BAIT! Can you believe that?!

Jörvintir: I sure hope that I don't get a attacked by a fat, disgusting, extraterrestrial!

I exclaimed with pure sarcasm. I formed ice around me and froze the...slime? And slid around on it to quell my boredom. Not that it worked. And I still don't have the slightest clue as to what this stuff is.

Jörvintir: Just get out here already you atrocious excuse for a living organism.

Just as I said that, I felt my left ankle being gripped and the next thing I knew I was suspended midair by the very thing we were trying to contain.

I looked it in the face.

Jörvintir: Not only are you ugly, but you stink. Have you no shame? Furthermore, I was having a good time skating and you just took it upon yourself to interrupt? How rude! I demand an apology!

It made a gargling noise that I assumed was a retort to my insult.

J'onn: Jörvintir, what are you doing?!

I crossed my arms and huffed.

Jörvintir: What does it look like? I'm hanging out.

He scoffed and rubbed his temples.

J'onn: I hate that Alex taught you the meaning of humor and sarcasm. So does it not faze you?

Jörvintir: Being hung upside down? No.

J'onn: Ugh...I meant what it said to you?

Jörvintir: What did it say, exactly?

J'onn: Ask it to repeat itself.

Odd request, but okay.

Jörvintir: Hey, sorry to bother you, but, do you mind repeating yourself?"

It was silent for a moment before I heard what I guess was its voice.

???: I may not be attractive, and I may not smell pleasant, but at least my people are many.

For a second I was shocked at what it had said, and that's when the anger kicked in.

No longer was I impassive, no. Now I was angry. I extended my hands and let loose a torrent of ice shards, thus forcing this sloppy looking bastard to release me. I adjusted myself midair and froze the...sludge? Over with my Ice as I practically skated backwards to J'onn.

Jörvintir: Do you mind if I take point, sir? This Plebian made things a tad personal, and I'm really getting sick of what happened to my people being some kind of sick joke.

He hesitated for a beat.

Jörvintir: I won't be too rough. Perhaps.

He nodded.

J'onn: Go ahead.

I looked back to the alien and watched as it was trying to take in my ice shards.

Jörvintir: You'll have no luck with that, my friend. But here, allow me to assist you.

I summoned a short pillar of ice underneath my feet that propelled me towards my opponent. I summoned Trēgir, and made a wide arc, slicing the "head" of the creature off. I froze And slid to a stop as I hit the ground. I turned so that my back wasn't to it. I also watched in horror as its body undulated and reformed its "head".

Jörvintir: You are truly a...repulsive being.

I need to end this, and fast.

I focused on how bad I wanted to freeze this thing through and through, and within seconds, the shards that it had managed to suck into its translucent body had begun to expand and freeze it from the inside out.

J'onn: Jörvintir!

J'onn exclaimed, making me lose my focus. Fortunately, the damage I did was enough to subdue it as it combusted. Unfortunately, when it did explode, I was in its slash zone and became covered in its...ectoplasm? I mean, seriously-what the fuck is this stuff?!

J'onn jogged up to me, with an apologetic expression on his face. 'The prick better be sorry.' I glowered at him.

J'onn: I am so sorry, I thought you would go too far and tried to stop you. At least it...worked?

I froze the...ooze? And proceeded to walk away from him, causing the...gunk? To fall of in frozen chunks.

Jörvintir: No outings for a month.

J'onn: Don't you know that it's customary to accept apologies as they're given?

Jörvintir: I am aware, but I was also taught that I only had to do so if I wished. I do not wish to.

J'onn looked as if he was about to retort, but gave up.

J'onn: *Sigh* Fair enough.

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