Monster: Road to X-Men

Start from the beginning

You nodded and walked over to shake his hand. Charles also greeted Cap like an old friend before he made his way over to his desk. You and Cap took a seat across from him.

Charles: I must say, it was a surprise when you called. But it was a welcomed one, I assure you.

Cap: Well thank you for seeing us. I know you must be busy with the X-Men and the school itself.

Charles: I'm never too busy to help a mutant in need. Nor an old friend. Now, Y/N, you wanted to ask me something.

You nodded.

Y/N: Actually, there's a lot I want to ask about. Like with mutants and this school and....I don't know a lot about a lot of things, sir.

Charles smiled.

Charles: Well, I will do my best to answer any questions you may have.

You looked at Cap who nodded.

Y/N: Well, I'm told that I'm a mutant. But that's not where a lot of my powers came from. Just my strength and healing factor. Everything else just kinda...evolved as time went on. Like during an impossible fight, I would gain a new power.

Charles: I see. I was also told that you were experimented on when you were younger, yes?

You nodded. Suddenly, Venom appeared on his shoulder.

Venom: How long have you been looking for mutantssss?

Charles: Since 1963. And you must be Venom.

Venom: Yesss. Actually, we've met before. Briefly.

What? Venom knew the professor? They've met before? Charles looked at Venom for a moment before he nodded with wide eyes.

Charles: Yes. I believe we have. You were with the Creator.

The Creator? The Old Man?!

Y/N: You knew him, too?!

Charles smiled slowly as he looked at you. As he did, he saw something that he had completely overlooked. Something he didn't see before.

He saw the resemblance of someone he had not seen in a very long time.

Charles: You look so much like your mother, Y/N.

Cap looked at you as you sat there in disbelief. So, he knew the Old Man, Venom, and your mother? How? Why?

Charles: Tell me, do you remember anything about her before she passed?

You hesitated before you shook your head. Your first memory was the lab. The blades. The cold. Charles moved around the desk and placed a hand on your shoulder.

Charles: Would you....would you like to go visit her?
You stood beside the Professor and Cap out behind the school. In front of you was a square piece of marble that was sticking out of the ground among others. It was clean. It also had some fresh flowers set out on it.

Elise Storm. 1981-2005. Friend, Leader, X-Men.

Charles: She was one of my most gifted students. Always smiling. Always laughing. When we got word of her passing, everyone here mourned for weeks. Some for months, even.

You kneeled down and slowly reached out towards the stone. You gently brushed your fingertips across the engraved name as you looked at it.


Your mother's name was Elise.

Charles: We knew she was pregnant. But we did not know if the child had died with her. I am so sorry we did not look for you sooner.

Monster: Year 1Where stories live. Discover now