The Visions Arc #2

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You opened your eyes to the sunlight peering through the blinds of the guest room. You felt so refreshed. So well rested. No nightmares either.

You sat up and noticed how quiet it was in the house. It was, odd. Almost as if no one was awake. Looking at the clock, you saw that it was 7 AM. Virginia normally woke up at 6. Viv and Vin woke up at 6:30.

You got out of bed and grabbed your backpack where you found your clothes. You changed as you tried to listen for any noise. Anything at all.

There was nothing.

You headed downstairs and towards the kitchen where you thought you could find Virgina or Vin or Viv or someone. Anyone.

You turned the corner and entered the kitchen.

Virgina: Good morning, Y/N.

You stopped dead in your tracks. She had a whole ass buffet on the table prepared. Virgina was smiling while Vin sat at his normal place at the table.

Y/N: Morning. I thought you guys were still asleep. I didn't even hear you guys.

Vin: We tried to keep quiet while you slept.

You smiled in appreciation. However, you noticed something odd.

Y/N: Where's Viv?

Year 1

Vision came home around an hour after you woke up. You were on the couch playing something called "Rock em Sock em Robots" with Vin. Virgina said that Viv had left to hang out with her friends. You found it a bit weird, but you were happy she was spending time with people.

You pushed down on your button just as Vision walked in. Vin's blue robot stopped as it's head popped up.

Vin: I lost.

Y/N: Are you really okay playing this? It seems kinda, morbid.

Vision walked to the kitchen where he found his wife. You had no idea what they were talking about, but Vision quickly left the room and returned to the living room. He looked at you which caused you to look at him.

Vision: Y/N, would you and Vin please go to the store for a few moments? I will provide you with money for snacks.

You and Vin looked at each other.

Y/N: Uh, sure?

Vision pulled out his wallet and gave you his credit card. You and Vin then got up and left the house. What was going on?

As you walked down the street, Vin stayed quiet. It made you uneasy. He always seemed like he had so much to say. So much to express. Why wasn't he talking?

You happened to look over at him and suddenly noticed his arms. They seem, different somehow. They seemed, fixed. Like they were just patched up.

Y/N: Hey, what happened?

You pointed at his arms, to which Vin didn't even hesitate.

Vin: I had done work to them last night.

You raised a brow. Did he do it last night when you were asleep? Actually, it seemed like you missed something important. You had noticed something that you were going to bring up earlier, but it smelt like bleach and oil in the kitchen.

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