Jack x Trans! Female Reader

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This was requested by pinkwitch269
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Y/n P. O. V

I was with my books in my hand while on Campus. I sighed. Today is my first day at this academy. I've heard so many good and bad things from it. All I hoped was that I had a small spot to practice my magic.

Ok ok, I know what you're all thinking. Magic? Pfft that's preposterous! It doesn't exist! But guess what to all ya magic haters, it does exist. And I'm a witch.

As I was running towards the school I accidentally knocked into a boy with brown hair. "Holy shit I'm sorry!" I yelled out. The boy looked at me. "Nah, it's cool. Are you new here?" I nodded my head. He was surprisingly cute. "Well, I'm Jack." Jack introduced himself.
"I'm Y/n." I replied, shaking his outstretched hand. I smiled. "I think we are gonna get along real well." I spoke. Jack seemed lost in thought. "Can- can I ask what your pronouns are?" Jack asked unsurely. I nodded. "Please refer to me with she/her." "Aha, gotcha." Jack said. I nodded my head. He smiled. "Cool."

He joined my to my classes, and turns out we are in the same class. I smiled, realising how awesome this would be.

A few weeks later, Jack and I got closer with each other. I mean, we're close enough to the fact I have a crush on him. And little did I know at the time, he had a crush on me as well. But he had some doubts.

One day I decided to finally tell him. Class had just ended. I walked up to him. We walked to our favourite spot on campus: into the Forest. I looked at him sadly.
"Jack, I have something to tell you." I spoke suddenly.
"Sure, Y/n/n. What's up?"
"I'm... a witch..." I stated nervously.
His eyes... his eyes were so wide I couldn't imagine an eye get that wide. "D-Does this mean you're against the Order?" My eyes held confusion, I was sure of it. Since I was really confused. "What?" Jack walked away from me. "Jack." I yelled and no response. "JACK!" He carried on walking.

"Are you an enemy to the Order?" He asked. "What makes you think that? And why do you care about that?" I asked. "Because, I'm a werewolf who protects the Order." Jack explained.

"Well, Jack I'm not an enemy. Trust me. And, I love you." I said, blushing softly. "I love you too, Y/n." He said. I smiled slightly and kissed his cheek. When I pulled back and turned around to walk away, I felt his hand on my wrist and turning me back around, kissing me in my lips. My eyes widened in shock, but then I kissed him back. I smiled into the kiss as my hands trailed to the back of his neck, and then into his hair. I started lightly tugging at it, getting a moan in response from him. When we pulled away, I could've sworn my face was pink, like his. "Will you be my girlfriend?" Jack asked, making me nod immediately. "Yes. Yes yes of course!"

I smiled, and so did he. Throughout the treat of the day we walked hand in hand and that made me feel like the happiest girl ever.

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