Chapter 2

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The next morning I wake up and put on my yellow romper that I picked out the night before. Then I half-jump, half-run down the stairs and into the kitchen. My parents are nowhere to be seen but there is a box of cereal and two bowls on the counter. I help myself to some cereal and dig the newspaper out of the garbage can so I can read the comics.

I hear Petunia come downstairs. She gasps. I look up at her and shoot her a confused look.

"Lily! Why didn't you tell me you were going to wear yellow?" She complains.

"Oh, I didn't know I had to tell you what I was going to wear every day," I reply.

"Well, we can't match!" She says. "What are people going to think?"

"Why do you care so much about what other people think about you?" I ask her.

She scoffs and stomps back up the stairs. Probably to change clothes because she can't bear to be seen wearing the same color as me.

I finish my cereal and go back up to my bedroom to find my brush. A stubborn knot takes ten minutes to sort out. My mom calls me downstairs.

The four of us hop into the car and head over to Severus's house.

I see him waiting outside his house and grin. I can't wait for today!

Petunia looks repulsed as he sits down next to me in the car.

I smirk at her and hand him the bag of raisin I am snacking on. He hands the right back.

"I hate raisins with a passion," He says.

"Will you please try one? For me?" I plead with him. I packed too many raisins for just one person.

"For you, I will try one," Severus says.

He tries one and spends 5 minutes chewing it. Okay, probably not 5 minutes, but at least one.

"So?" I ask. "What do you think?"

He silently takes the bag out of my hands and shoves a whole handful of raisins in his mouth. This is so unlike anything he has ever done that I sit there in shock.

After a long while which he spent chewing over a hundred raisins, he explains his absurd behavior.

"I couldn't taste it because it was so tiny," He tells me.

"So you shoved half the bag into your mouth?" I say.

He shrugs. "Yes."

I shake my head in disbelief.

Suddenly, the car stops.

I look out the window. We can't be there already, can we?

Out the window is a perfectly manicured lawn that leads to a gorgeous mansion with dozens of windows and four floors. They probably have a basement too. This must be Chelsea's house. I see the door open and a small girl walks out. She is escorted by a large black Doberman. He doesn't even have a leash but he still walks beside her obediently. I have never seen such an obedient dog in my entire life. Chelsea is wearing a neat pink dress with ruffles at the ends. Her hair is in a large white bow and she has black shiny shoes on. She looks like a living victorian china doll. She opens the car door and looks at all of us. Her eyes stop when they land on Severus.

"No way. I am not going to spend the day being near that!" She says as she points to Severus.

Chelsea slams the car door and walks into her house with the Doberman by her side.

Petunia turns to glare at me and Severus. "I hate you both!" She screams.

Everyone sits there stunned.

"Petunia," My mother starts.

Everyone is quiet for the rest of the car ride.

I finally break the dreadful silence with a gasp when I see the carnival tents in the distance.

Even Petunia smiles a little when she sees them.

The car is parked and then my mom locks the doors.

All three of us demand why we can't get out and play but become silent when my mom pulls out three envelopes. She hands one to each of us and then tells us to meet her back here at noon. Petunia and I have wristwatches.

Severus and I rush to the scrambler and Petunia sprints to the games. I see her at a game where you have to hit the target. I hope she doesn't feel too disappointed when she doesn't win; she has terrible aim. Severus and I sit down and wait for the scrambler to start moving. I see the carnival worker's hand move towards the start button for the ride.

"Let the fun begin!" I shout as Severus and I are twirled and whirled around and around. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2021 ⏰

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