Chapter Eight: The Upside Down - [Pt. 1]

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(TRIGGER WARNING! Contains fear, cringe, and anxiety)

Your POV

I felt like I was being dragged away, dragged into a blissful darkness.

The next thing I know, I feel a horrible feeling.

Something getting pushed down one of the two pipes in my throat.

Maybe down the wrong pipe.

Mike's POV

"They're gone," I say, as I get back inside.

"What?" Lucas says, asking a question.

"Nancy and Jonathan. His car's gone." I say, in response.

"They're probably just sucking face somewhere," Dustin says, making us all cringe at the thought.

"Gross," Lucas says, really grossed out.

"No. No way!" I say, also grossed out.

"Did they go with the chief?" Dustin says, also asking a question.

"I don't know," I say, just before Eleven finally speaks.

"No," Eleven says, surprising us all.

"What? Did you see them? Do you know where they went?" I say, trying to get more information out of her.

"Yes," Eleven says, but I'm still gonna need more information.

"Where? Where did they go?" I say, just needing a little more.

"Demogorgon." Eleven says, giving us all the information we need.

*Time Skip*

Hopper's POV

"I don't understand," Joyce says, as we walk down the hallways of the lab freely after being torched.

"We came to an agreement," I say, trying to clear her confusion.

"What?" Joyce says, still not understanding.

"Look, everything that's happened here and everything that's gonna happen, we don't talk about. You want Will back? Do you want to find Ten? This place had nothing to do with it. That's the deal. You got it?" I say, as we walk into a room and are given hazmat suits.

"What is this?" I say, looking at the suit.

"Protection. The atmosphere is toxic." A random scientist says.

"But my son's in there. He-" Joyce starts to say before I cut her off.

"Put it on," I say.

*Time Skip*

We were all 'geared up'.

I and Joyce were at the gate between the normal world and the upside-down, and we slowly go through it.

We entered the strange copy of our own world.

I really didn't think my life would end up like this.

"Hey, you all right?" I say, noticing Joyce's uneasy breathing.

"Yeah," Joyce says, but I could tell she was lying.

"I need you to relax, okay? I want you to slow down your breathing, take deep breaths. In and out. Deep breath in... and out. In and out. In and out." I say, just as memories from the back of my head replay.

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